A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Copy No. 239

1. In reading this report, it is important to bear in mind that it is not meant to be a record of facts , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. It is an impartial assessment of the public's views and feelings about the war in general. It does not, therefore, imply any endorsement of comments which show the public to be ill-informed, prejudiced or inconsistent.

2. It is important to remember also that the public, as a rule, is more prone to express criticism than praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate picture will therefore tend to be critical rather than laudatory. When a subject is not mentioned in this report, its absence indicates that it is not a matter of widespread criticism.

3. In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each individual issue of this report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated.

4. The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The Weekly Reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os) are compiled by the Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods adopted in compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.

5 6 2 9 5 11 7


25th June, 1942

(Covering the period from 16th to 23rd June, 1942)


1. General state of confidence and reaction to news

Events in Libya appear so completely to have dominated public interest this week that “most other subjects have been completely eclipsed”. People are stated to have been shocked out of the optimism of recent weeks. Disappointment, exasperation, shame and rage are only a few of the very widespread reactions which have been reported. Although confidence in ultimate victory is still said to be strong, it is thought, as regards our immediate prospects, to have been considerably shaken - an effect which is augmented by fears of the “ominous threat” to Allied shipping, and doubt of our ability to maintain a heavy bombing offensive. A slight increase in war-weariness, not unmixed with defeatism, is reported, and there is a recurrence of the belief that “we are in for a long war”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

2. Libya

While people seem to have been fairly well prepared for unfavourable developments the sudden capitulation of Tobruk appears to have constituted what, in four Regions, is described as “the greatest single blow to public confidence since Singapore”. Comparison is made between “the shining example of the Russians at Sevastopol and our inexplicable caving-in at Tobruk”; although the fighting quality of our men escapes adverse comment, people are anxious to know how this can have happened so suddenly with what is believed to have been a substantial garrison of troops. Blame for the “Libyan disaster” is being ascribed to the following causes:-

(a) The Government : The Government as a whole, and the Prime Minister in particular, are being criticised for “the present turn of events”. The fact that Mr. Churchill and General Ritchie “both gave the impression that all was well seems to have upset people more than anything else”. The Government is strongly criticised for its handling of news, both in the press and on the B.B.C. “People are stated to be absolutely fed up with misleading news, saying: ‘we were led to expect differently’”.

The Government is also criticised for “not learning from the Russian successes in generalship, or revising the system of promotion to give modern-minded officers a chance”. (S Regions)

(b) The Generals : The belief that we have been “out-generaled” is reported to be widespread; our generals are, in a number of Regions, contrasted with Rommel, for whom the public is said to be feeling an increasing respect and “unwilling admiration”. It is felt that “our whole Army High Command is out of date in its strategy, and is impervious to new ideas”. In this the enemy is felt to be superior and anger is expressed that our ranks should have been so badly led. In this connection the following comment has been reported from the London Region: “The best thing that happened in Libya was the capture of five British generals”.

The practice of “writing up” and of prematurely congratulating generals is deplored. (7 Regions)

(c) Our equipment : It is being asked why, “after three years of war, the Germans should have better weapons than ourselves”. We are criticised for being “always one step behind the enemy in the question of arms”; many are said to wonder “whether the men in charge of our supplies are ‘on top of their job’”. The General Grant tank comes in for strong criticism. It is thought “good enough for 1940 battles”. (3 Regions)

(d) Air superiority : The ineffectiveness of our air superiority is the subject of bitter criticism; it is recalled that “we were led to believe we had air superiority, yet Rommel was able to inflict a terrific bombardment by dive-bombers”. (5 Regions)

In two Regions the need is stressed for “a resounding victory to make people put out their greatest effort”; it is felt that “the kind of criticism that is going the rounds today is inevitable after a major military defeat, and that much of it could be immediately stopped by an intelligent broadcast from a senior member of the Government, but by no-one less respected than the Prime Minister or Sir Stafford Cripps”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

3. Russia

From eight Regions there are indications that the fall of Sevastopol is not unexpected; praise for and admiration of Russia's tenacious resistance is stressed. At the same time, people are reported to be confident that the Germans will not be ultimately successful; the failure, so far, of their efforts is considered a good omen, and there is some belief that a major engagement is still to come. References to “the time when the Russians have won the war for us” occur in two Regional reports. There is still said to be a considerable demand for information about Russia, and interest in Anglo-Soviet post-war relations is said to be keen. There are few comments on the Anglo-Soviet Treaty this week, other than satisfaction, which is reported from a number of Regions.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

4. The shipping situation

A rapid increase in anxiety over Allied shipping losses is reported from nine Regions, in seven of which it is said to be believed that bad news is being withheld and the public asking for definite information. It is thought that hints by M.Ps and other speakers are increasing this anxiety, even, it is also pointed out in inland districts, “where the dangers of the sea are not fully appreciated”, and where complacency has existed: “The speeches of Mr. Curtin and Mr. Shinwell have brought people up with a jolt, and made them aware of the U-boat danger”. Some feeling exists that the food situation is likely to be worse next winter, having regard to the increased strain on shipping: “It is generally believed that publication of present figures would dissipate complacency and stop waste”.

Mediterranean convoy losses : Concern for our ships in the recent Mediterranean convoy attack is reported from three Regions. Our losses are suspected to have been “very much greater than has been reported”.

(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

5. The Prime Minister's visit to the U.S .

The Prime Minister's present visit to the United States was at first reported to have aroused considerable interest. Since the news of our Libyan reverses, however, this interest seems to have declined. In five Regions some cynical comments have been reported on Mr. Churchill for having “skipped off to the States at such a time”.

The purpose of the visit does not appear to have been widely discussed; some speculations are said to connect it with a second front; others with the urgent shipping position. In one Region the loss of Tobruk is reported to have caused a demand that the Prime Minister “should come home and clear up the mess”.

Renewed talk of Sir Stafford Cripps as Mr. Churchill's successor is reported.

(2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11)

6. R.A.F. offensive

A decline of interest in the R.A.F's most recent raids is reported, as well as criticism of the “spasmodic” nature of the heavier attacks. Some doubt appears to exist “as to whether we can keep up the pace set by the 1,000-a-night raids”, and a feeling is reported that “something has gone wrong with our bombing offensive against Germany”. Some disbelief in the “bad weather excuse” is indicated, and the inclement period is thought to be lasting too long.

There are renewed demands for the heavier bombing of Italy, including Rome; the belief is reported from two Regions that the weight of our bombers would have been of greater advantage if used on the Libyan or Russian fronts, or, alternatively, on the U-boat ports in order to implement an anti-U-boat campaign.

(1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, l0, 11, 12)

7. The second front

Doubts and misigivings, caused by our Libyan reverses, are reported in five Regions to have arisen over the establishment of a second front; comments are said to be on the following lines: “Well, if we can't do better than this, why talk about having a second front?” At the same time the necessity of helping Russia is recognised to be greater than ever; in two Regions the belief persists that “it is coming soon”.

(4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13)

8. The Far East

Little concern is again reported over the Far Eastern situation; on the whole the attitude appears to be that “it can wait until we have given Hitler the K.O.”

(2, 3, 8, 10, 12)

9. The Mediterranean

Malta : Anxiety for Malta and fears that our Mediterranean fleet may be now unable to help her, is reported from four Regions. It is thought that the constant air attacks on the island were intended to divert attention from the enemy's preparations in Libya.

Egypt : Fears are reported that “Egypt is at the Germans' mercy, and that the long anticipated ‘pincer’ threat to the oil fields of the Middle East is at last materialising”. From contacts with relatives serving in the Middle East come stories suggesting that “all is far from well in Cairo, where it is suggested that the whole atmosphere is one of luxury and ease, such as was thought to be partly responsible for our failure in Malaya”.

(2, 6, 11, 13)

10. Post-war planning

Interest in post-war planning appears to have declined sharply during the past week, according to reports from three Regions. “Adverse events” are held responsible for an increase in comments such as: “We must think of winning the war first, or we shall be reconstructing ourselves into defeat. We should use all our best brains now for winning, not for reconstruction plans”. Many comments are reported from Scotland on what is described as the Archbishop of Canterbury's “dynamic peace sermon”; one remark, quoted as typical, is: “Let's have some dynamic war and less prating about peace!”

There is, however, said to be “a demand that the fundamental aim, after we have beaten Hitlerism, should be to provide social security”.

(7, 9, 10, 11)

11. Broadcasting and presentation of news

Dissatisfaction - varying from “strong criticism” to “exasperation” - with the presentation of the Libyan news is reported from eleven Regions this week.

The following familiar criticisms are made:-

  1. “The raising of false hopes and crowing before victory is won”. (Six Regions)

  2. “The irritating habit” of breaking news gently, by the use of “stock phrases” such as “our troops re-forming”, “our forces have withdrawn to new positions”; these are said to imply that “we were doing things to please ourselves rather than things we were forced to do”. (Five Regions)

  3. That the Axis news seems frequently to forestall ours. Examples quoted are the attack on the Mediterranean convoy and the fall of Tobruk. (Four Regions).

Listening-in to enemy broadcasts : This is said to be increasing as a result of the tendencies (b) and (c).

Official communiqués and the Press : Although some sections of the public tend to blame the Press rather than official communiqués for over optimism about the present Libyan Campaign, others “fail to differentiate between official news (communiqués), semi-official news (Richard Dimbleby's B.B.C. dispatches) and the messages sent by war correspondents to their newspapers. People have the impression that all news is censored and therefore what gets through can be regarded as ‘official’”.

Mr. Bevin's postscript (June 21st) : “The shock of Tobruk” is said to have made this postscript seem irrelevant, and it is asked “why a Government spokesman could not have given a last minute ‘steadying talk’ on Libya in its place”. Although many people thought the speech too long, admiration for Mr. Bevin's “obvious sincerity” is reported from the North Eastern Region.

(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Nottingham P.C.)


12. Industry

For the fourth week in succession no general criticisms of production are reported. Very little discussion is quoted, and “the general picture appears to be satisfactory”.

The Libyan situation : Two industrial reactions are mentioned in connection with our setbacks in Libya:

  1. Criticism of our production system, and especially of the Ministries of Labour and Supply, are said to have resulted from reports of enemy superiority in tanks and guns. There is some feeling that “the Ministry of Labour deals too sympathetically with the worker in cases of slackness and absenteeism”. There are also complaints that “those responsible for designing our military equipment are continually preparing a reply to a German arm which has already been superseded by a more efficient model”.

  2. “A general spirit among the workpeople of resentment that the things which they manufacture are so speedily lost by the army”, and a falling off in production, are reported from a factory making component parts for tanks and aeroplanes.

What is essential war work ? A report from an industrial Region (Midland) says: “Among some war workers there is still a fair amount of non-realisation that they are directly connected with the war, if the particular job they do is not obviously an armament, or if explanations in the factory have not been sufficient”. It is also pointed out that “the public are prone to say that we must have such enormous stocks of unused ammunition now stored in this country that perhaps we can ‘sit back a bit’”.

Part-time work : From three Regions a demand is reported for part-time work, primarily for “older women, untrained but of the intelligent type”, and also for “persons already fully employed, though engaged on tasks not apparently directly connected with the war effort”.

Essential Work Order : Complaints about the working of this Order come from two Regions, but with little supporting detail. There is a repetition of the feeling that “the wage earners are the only victims”, though “employers are also reported to believe that their authority is being undermined”.

The “resignation" of a key A.R.P. official in Workington (North Western Region) to go to private employment is compared with the position of a miner who can be diverted back to less lucrative work”.

Workmen's tools : “The almost impossible position of the ordinary workman requiring tools for non-Government - yet highly necessary - work”, is mentioned in a report from one Region. It is suggested that “while the serious shortage is understood … supplies of certain essential tools, such as drills, required as replacements of those worn out should be available, in view of the importance of repairing such necessary equipment as newspaper machinery and refrigerators”.

War production in Ulster : “Criticism of Ulster's contribution to the war effort which was rather marked at one stage, is lessening considerably at the present time”, according to the report from Northern Ireland. The chief reason for this is said to be the statement in the Northern Ireland House of Commons by Sir Basil Brooke, Minister of Commerce and Production, which gave a “most satisfactory picture of Ulster industry in war”. It is considered that “much of the criticism of the war effort has been due to ignorance of the war work being carried on in the Province”.

(2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13)

13. The coal miners

“The recommendations of the Greene Committee regarding minimum wages for miners is approved by the general public”, according to reports from six Regions. There appears to be a fairly general acceptance of their claim to have their wages brought more into line with those of munition workers. Though the public's sympathy continues to lie mainly with the miners - as opposed to the mine owners - there is some criticism of them for having gone on strike, and cynical comment on the fact that they “pick good weather to strike in”. Some people ask “why nothing was done with Mr. Bevin's great powers to control labour”.

Strong criticism, particularly among working people, is reported from one Region over the intention to pass on the cost of the extra wages to the consumer. “It is felt that this will unfairly reduce coal consumption among poorer people, who can only with difficulty meet the present high price, and it is hoped that the Government will reconsider their decision not to give a subsidy”.

Bad seams being worked : In Scotland, where “bitterness and dislike of coal owners” is reported, there is said to be “a common belief that coal owners are working poor seams now to save the good seams for after the war”.

(2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11)

14. Fuel

Although the fuel situation is still arousing a good deal of interest in several Regions, it is said to be less discussed at present because of the news from Libya and the warmer weather. Points which continue to be stressed are:

  1. Voluntary coal economy is not much favoured.

  2. It might be “better to introduce restrictions now than risk a crisis later”.

  3. Poor people, “who had a very bad time last winter over coal supplies”, are said to feel that a rationing scheme might ensure their getting a fair share.

Wartime Social Survey's report on the proposed fuel rationing scheme : At the request of the War Cabinet Offices a survey was made of the public's attitude to the proposed fuel rationing scheme. The sample was designed to give national representation, all the main segments of the population being represented proportionately. Interviewing was carried out during the week of May 26-30th.

The main questions which this survey sought to answer were:

(i) What is the public's attitude towards rationing as a device for meeting the fuel shortage ?

The survey showed that 53.5% approved and 35.3% disapproved of rationing. Disapproval was more marked among men than among women. 60% of miners who were interviewed disapproved of the idea.

(ii) What is the public's attitude towards points rationing as a suitable rationing system for fuel?

The survey showed that 48.6% approved of points rationing, and 26.8% disapproved. Approval was more marked among people in the lower income groups.

(iii) What is the public's attitude towards the need for individual reading of meters ?

The survey showed that 29.5% had read their meters and 70.5% had not done so. Some 85.3% of women had never read meters; of those who had never done so 83.4% expressed the belief that they could learn to read them.

(2, 5, 9, 10, 12, 23)

15. Food

“Spontaneous satisfaction” with the food situation and the Ministry of Food continues to be reported from several Regions. Postal Censorship reports that 74 of 4,000 writers commenting on food do so on the lines of “we are O.K. over here so far, and have bags of food”. The main reasons given by Postal Censorship for this satisfaction are:-

  1. That rationing is “the fairest way as everyone gets their share; the people with money can't buy it all”.

  2. “The children of this country get the best”.

  3. “Our rationing seems to be arranged very cleverly to give us just enough things, so that by careful management we can get as much as is good for us of all the foodstuffs that matter”.

  4. “The health of England is remarkable after two and a half years of war”.

Lord Woolton : Not only is he thought to be “a wonderful man to do such a tremendous job so efficiently”, but is being “thought of with affection by women”. To quote a rural widow in the South Western Region:

“There's times when that Lord 'Oolton do do right and times when he do do wrong, but do 'ee tell 'en from me as all us poorer folks be beholden to 'en for all what he do for we”.

The National Loaf : Some approval of this bread is reported this week, but nevertheless it continues to be held responsible for “the unusual amount of skin rashes, boils, joint inflammation, lumbago, sciatica, and the vast range of disorders at present experienced”; not to speak of being “at war with my inside”.

There is also a general impression among the public that wastage of bread has increased since the introduction of the National Loaf.

Extension of rationing : The demand continues for the rationing of goods in short supply, as “there is no equity at all in the amounts received by different families”. The following cases of discrimination are reported:

  1. Greengrocers are refusing to supply customers, who have allotments, with fruit and tomatoes “as they do not buy enough general produce”. (Complaints on these lines were reported in Home Intelligence Reports in July 1941).

  2. Shopkeepers are only selling tomatoes and luxury from to customers registered with them for other commodities.

Soft fruit : “Real anxiety continues at the possibility of muddle and wastage over the disposal of soft fruit crops. Last year's unsatisfactory arrangements are well remembered and there is irritation at the likelihood of such mistakes being repeated”.

Restriction of restaurant meal prices : This is considered “a farce” on account of the house charge system. From Scotland comes the report that in some restaurants it is now impossible to obtain a meal costing less than 5/-.

British Restaurants, however, are said to be “particularly appreciated as they give the poorer folks a chance to do what the rich have always been able to do - have meals without giving up coupons”.

(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Special, Cardiff, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Nottingham P.C.s)

16. Clothes Rationing

Utility cloth and clothing : From three Regions and by Postal Censorship women's utility garments are reported to be “very much liked” and to be “a pleasant surprise”.

“Insufficient coupons” : There are further complaints this week about insufficient coupons for the following:-

  1. Certain workers who are not eligible for supplementary coupons. To quote a typical letter on the subject: “I am worried to death with your Dad's working clothes as you cannot get them without coupons. It takes all his coupons for overalls...I do not think any trade is as bad as the building trade for wearing their clothes out; the shipyard men get more coupons for clothes but building trade does not, it is a very unfair world”.

  2. Growing children. “It is some job trying to keep children in clothes; neither Agnes or myself have had a new stitch since the clothing ration came out and yet we can't keep them going”. The increase in the number of coupons required for children's shoes is also criticised.

  3. Air raid victims. “The meagre supply allotted to blitz victims” is the subject of bitter comment, particularly from Bath after the recent blitz.

Clothing shortages : Children's underwear and particularly children's shoes are said to be in very short supply. From three Regions come reports of a shortage of outsize garments.

New clothing coupons : There is a general impression among the public that people rushed to buy clothes as soon as the new coupons were available.

Curtain material : The announcement that coupons now have to be surrendered for curtain material has been welcomed as putting an end to a well-known evasion, but has “aroused regrets about the curtains which must now be foregone”.

(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 21 Special, Bristol, York P.C.s, 32)

17. Petrol

The announcement that petrol saved from the basic ration can be used until the end of July appears to have produced two reactions:

  1. Criticism - chiefly, it seems, from non-motorists - that “this unnecessary concession postpones for a month the control of the unscrupulous”. It is cited as an example of “the Government's pandering to the rich”. Some people are even reported to feel that “the non-issue of petrol to unessential motorists came two years too late”.

  2. Confusion, and regret on the part of those who “delicensed and deinsured their cars before they knew of the concession”.

Criticism - in each case from one Region only - is reported of “inequalities in the grants of supplementary rations”; of the “use on official business of big cars which must be extremely heavy on tyres and petrol”; of the “waste of petrol by the Services”; and of the petrol concession to church-goers.

Adverse comment is reported from Scotland on “the King's attendance at two race meetings in one week with an entourage of six large cars”. The difficulty of securing taxis “for legitimate purposes” has aroused “anger that race-goers attending Newmarket should park their cars in Newmarket or neighbouring towns and take taxis to the course”.

(4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11)

18. Holidays at home

There appears to be a persistent feeling in some quarters that “the Government should have done more than request people to take holidays at home”, and that “the rich, the idle, the selfish” and “the professional classes” will not comply. Reports from two Regions mention appreciation for the efforts that some local authorities are making “to brighten up towns” so as to “enable workers to have enjoyable holidays”, and open air dancing in Princes Street Gardens is said to be “a huge success”. In spite of this, however, the Scottish report says that “a special enquiry shows that workers are arranging to holiday away from home as far as possible”. A movement to withdraw savings, which is reported from one of the largest factories in the South Western Region, is believed to be accounted for by the arrival of the holiday season.

(3, 7, 9, 10, 11)

19. Civil Defence

There is some doubt about the relative claims of (a) Home Guard duties, (b) fire-watching at home and (c) fire-watching at business premises. Doubt is expressed as to whether Home Guard service takes precedence over fire-watching duties. People who are required to fire-watch at work, in addition to doing so at home, feel that the duties are unevenly distributed, especially where there is considerable variation in the hours of duty. There are also complaints that fire-watchers are drawn from insufficiently manned parties in residential districts (which may be near danger zones) to fire-watch on business premises.

(5, 6, 7)

20. V.A.D.s and A.T.S .

Serious apprehension is reported from three Regions at the Army Council's proposal to merge mobile V.A.D. detachments with the A.T.S. This objection is said to be “not entirely snobbish”, but to be due mainly to “the desire to remain under feminine direction and to preserve their special nursing status, as well as to a feeling V.A.Ds with several years' service ought not to be demoted well conscripted A.T.S.”. The V.A.Ds, it is pointed out, “have their own uniform and traditions which they do not wish to surrender”.

(6, 7, 12, 21 Glasgow, Manchester P.C.s)

21. Books

Reports from two Regions mention recent comments on the fact that while “trash is still published, serious books are hard to obtain”. The report from the Eastern Region, based on “comment received from public libraries and library users, bookshops and purchasers of books”, points out that “a trend towards more serious reading has coincided with a reduction in the supplies available of the former 6d. and 1s. books on serious subjects. Stocks of cheap fiction are comparatively more plentiful, and purchases of these are being reported ‘simply because nothing else can be had’”.

(4, 10, 32)

22. Constant topics and complaints

  1. Transport difficulties, principally in rural areas. (2, 6, 9, 10, 12)

  2. “Insufficient allowances” for servicemen's dependants. “The revised scales of allowances has made little material difference”. (5, 6, 7, 10)

  3. Disappearance of price controlled goods from the market. (3, 7, 9, 12)

  4. High price of furniture. (4, 5, 6, 10)

  5. The high wages of juveniles, the resulting “sense of irresponsibility”, and “the need for propaganda to keep before them the reasons why we are fighting this war”. (4, 5, 8, 14 Midland Region)

  6. “Inadequacy” of old age pensions. (5, 7, 10, 22)

  7. Shopping difficulties, particularly for workers, as a result of lunch hour closing. (9, 10, 11, 21 Glasgow, Leeds P.C.s)

  8. Shortage of housing accommodation. (4, 5, 10)

  9. Shortage and high price of crockery. (5, 6, 7)

  10. Shortage of kettles. (3, 5, 10)

  11. “The small trader is being driven out of business”. (7, 10, 11)

  12. Inadequate collection of salvage, and the “high-handed way” iron railings have been removed. (4, 10, 12)

  13. The difference between the prices for vegetables and other produce paid to growers, and the prices charged the public”. (3, 9, 10)

  14. Delay over shoe repairs and the laundering and cleaning of clothes. (5, 6, 7)

  15. Disparity in pay, especially between miners and munition workers, and between the Services and civilians. (3, 10, 21 Glasgow P.C.)

  16. High price of salads and green vegetables. (2, 11)

  17. Lack of day nurseries. (6, 10)

  18. Shortage of sweets and chocolates. (2, 11)

  19. Complaints of official waste of paper in connection with the “It All Depends on Me” campaign, and by the Ministry of Labour for circulating forms to policemen and men in the Home Guard asking them to enroll in the Home Guard, and to old ladies asking them to join a Youth Organisation. (3, 9)



1. Northern Region (Newcastle) Weekly Reports from R.I.Os
2. North Eastern Region (Leeds)
3. North Midland Region (Nottingham)
4. Eastern Region (Cambridge)
5. London Region (London)
6. Southern Region (Reading)
7. Southern Western Region (Bristol)
8. Wales (Cardiff)
9. Midland (Birmingham)
10. North Western Region (Manchester)
11. Scotland (Edinburgh)
12. South Eastern Region (Tunbridge Wells)
13. Northern Ireland (Belfast)
14. Special Reports from R.I.Os
15. Regions Adviser's Reports
16. M.o.I. Speakers' Reports
17. Local Information Committee Reports
18. Home Press Summaries M.O.I.
19. Regional Press Summaries)
20. Hansard
21. Postal Censorship
22. Police Duty Room Reports
23. Wartime Social Survey
24. B.B.C. Listener Research Papers
25. B.B.C. Special Papers
26. Citizens' Advice Bureau Reports
27. W.V.S. Reports
28. Scottish Unionist Whips' Reports
29. Liberal Party's Reports
30. Economic League's Reports
31. War Office Post Bag Summaries
32. Primary Sources

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