A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

25 26 27 28 29 30

Women’s Overalls

Interviewing: April 28 - May 8

668 women were interviewed, including 153 subject to hazards of heat and burning, 299 to oil, grease and fats, and 208 to acids and corrosive substances.


Type worn Type best for work Type worn Type best for work Type worn Type best for work
% % % % % % %
Boiler suit 24 35 29 35 13 23 31
Bib & brace 31 23 12 12 4 2 12
Jacket 1 - 1 1 1 - 1
Trousers 3 4 2 2 1 1 2
Pln. Sleeved 32 30 48 42 55 60 45
Pttnd. Sleeved 3 1 4 3 11 4 3
Pln. Sleeveless 6 3 6 2 12 6 3
Pttnd. Sleeveless 1 - 1 1 1 2
Jacket & trousers - - 2 - 1 - -
Not worn 3 2 2 - - - 1
No information - 1 - 1 - 1 -
SAMPLE 153 153 299 299 208 208 660

Plain sleeved overalls are both worn and preferred by the majority in the acids and corrosive group. They are also worn more frequently than other types in the other groups.

The discrepancy between the type worn and the type preferred is most considerable in the case of boiler suits. In all groups more would prefer boiler suits than wear them.

The numbers who had been in their jobs for more than two years are insufficient to give breakdowns by length of time in job, except in the case of workers exposed to hazards of acids and corrosive substances.

Types preferred Up to 2 years Over 2 years Total
% % %
Boiler suit 33 10 23
Plain sleeved overall 46 78 60
All other types 21 12 17
SAMPLE 118 90 208

A higher proportion of the older workers prefer the plain sleeved overall, the newer workers showing a higher proportion than the older in favour of boiler suits.

Breakdowns of the type worn by the type preferred are as follows:-

Best Type Plain sleeved overall OIL, GREASE & FATS Others Sample
Type worn
Boiler suit Other coat overalls
% % % % %
Plain sleeved overall 94 2 13 2 126
Boiler suit 12 76 2 10 105
Best Type Plain sleeved Patterned sleeved ACIDS & CORROSIVE SUBSTANCES Others Sample
Type Worn
Plain Sleeveless Patterned Sleeveless
% % % % %
Plain sleeved 80 10 9 14 2 124

Numbers are insufficient to give breakdowns for other types of overalls and for the heat and burning group.

However, it may be said that in the heat and burning group, about two-thirds of those who preferred boiler suits were wearing them.


Women were asked what type of overall would do instead of the type considered best.

Alternative types
Best type Boiler suit Bib & brace Plain sleeved Patterned sleeved Others Sample
% % % % %
Plain sleeved 18 8 (48) 10 5 126
Boiler suit (28) 38 17 - 6 105


Best type Plain sleeved Alternative types Boiler suit Bib & brace Others Sample
Patterned sleeved Plain sleeveless
% % % % % %
Plain sleeved 48 12 8 10 8 3 124

In the case of heat and burning, numbers are insufficient to give results.


Reasons for preferences are given below in cases where sufficient numbers are include.

Oil, grease and fats All Workers Oil, grease and fats Acids &corrosives All Workers
% % % % %
Comfortable. More freedom of movement. Convenient 20 16 33 19 25
Cool 1 1 6 4 3
Give most protection. Cover us all over. Cleaner, Saves clothes. Protects arms & legs 73 81 52 58 55
Hard wearing. Serviceable 2 4 5 15 9
Easy to wash - - 2 - 2
Used to them. Not worn other types 3 2 3 - 2
No information 3 3 13 6 9
SAMPLE 105 206 126 124 296


Analysis of hazard groups by area is as follows;-

Hazard Group London South, S.W. & E. Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland Total
% % % % % %
Heat & burning 23 22 21 26 27 24
Oils, grease & fats 37 60 46 43 41 45
Acids & corrosives 40 18 33 31 32 31
SAMPLE 136 123 167 169 73 668

It should be borne in mind in considering regional results that the numbers in each area are small, and also that the actual proportion of workers subject to the different kinds of hazards in different areas is not known.

The table below showing the types of overall preferred by area should be considered with these reservations in mind.

Type Preferred

London South, S.W. & E. Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland Total
% % % % % %
Boiler suit 25 37 25 28 53 31
Bib & brace 11 10 12 14 12 12
Jacket - - - 2 - 1
Trousers 1 5 1 2 - 2
Plain sleeved 50 38 53 43 31 45
Patterned sleeved 3 2 4 3 1 3
Plain sleeveless 6 4 2 4 - 3
Patterned sleeveless 2 5 1 1 - 2
Not worn 2 - - - - 1
No information - - 1 2 1 1
SAMPLE 136 123 167 169 73 668


Women obtained overalls from different sources in the following proportions:

% those wearing overalls
Large local shop 42
Small local shop 12
Employer 40
Second-hand 1
No information 4

Only in the case of those preferring boiler suits and plain sleeved overalls are the numbers sufficient to give a breakdown by type of overall.

Boiler Suit Plain sleeved
% %
Large local shop 28 43
Small local shop 9 13
Employer 56 40
Second-hand 1 -
No information 7 4
SAMPLE 209 300

Analysis of where overalls were obtained by area should be considered with the same reservation in mind as in the case of the types preferred. The numbers in different areas are small, and the results may be dependent to some extent on the type preferred and on the composition of the regional samples in respect of different hazard groups.

London South, S.W. & E. Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland Total
% % % % % %
Large local shop 56 43 31 37 54 42
Small local shop 14 14 11 13 10 12
Employer 29 38 48 44 36 40
Second-hand 1 - 1 2 - 1
No imformation 1 5 9 3 - 4
SAMPLE 133 123 165 164 72 657


% those wearing overalls
Had tried to buy 41
Had not tried to buy 48
No information 11

Of those preferring boiler suits, 28% had tried to buy since Christmas, and of those preferring the plain sleeved type, 45% had tried to buy.

Numbers are not sufficient to give results for other types of overall.

The proportions trying to buy in different regions were as follows:-

% trying to buy London South, S.W. & E. Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland Total
45 37 41 39 46 41
SAMPLE 133 123 165 164 72 657

Those women who had tried to buy overalls were asked whether they had had any difficulty.

% those trying to buy
Had difficulty 30
No difficulty 69
No information 1

The number who had had difficulty is not sufficient for the results of subsequent questions to be statistically reliable. However, it may be said that about one-fifth said that overalls were unobtainable, and about a quarter that they were unable to get the right type for their work.


Women who wore overalls were asked whether they shrank in the wash:-

% those wearing overalls
Yes 50
No 42
No information 8

Those who said that their overalls shrank were asked what material they were made of. Only 66% of them were able to specify the material. Replies were as follows:-

Material or type % of those who said overalls shrank in wash
Drill 19
Twill 9
Cotton 6
Utility 16
Other types 16
Unspecified 34

Comparison of (1) Type preferred by type worn and (2) Type preferred by suggested alternative in three hazard groups

TYPES WORN Boiler suit Bib & brace Jacket Trousers Plain sleeved Patterned sleeved Plain sleeveless Patterned sleeveless Total of types worn
No. % No. No. No. No. No. % No. No. No. %
Boiler suit 142 69 4 - - 4 1 - - - 150 23
Bib & brace 26 13 55 1 - 1 - - - - 83 13
Jacket - - 4 1 - 1 - - - - 6 1
Trousers 1 - - - 6 1 - - - - 8 1
Jacket & trousers 5 2 - 3 1 - - - - - 9 1
Plain sleeved 26 13 11 - 5 231 78 - 2 - 275 42
Patterned sleeved 2 1 2 - - 17 6 14 2 - 275 42
Plain sleeveless 4 2 1 - 1 18 6 3 15 - 42 7
Patterned sleeveless 1 - 2 - - 23 8 2 4 11 43 7
TOTAL of preferences given 206 78 4 13 296 18 23 11 649
Boiler suit 70 34 23 3 3 43 15 3 - 1 146 23
Bib & brace 67 33 33 - - 22 7 1 - - 123 19
Jacket 4 2 1 - - 4 1 - - - 9 2
Trousers 3 2 6 - 4 - - - - - 13 2
Jacket & trousers 13 6 1 - - 5 2 - - - 19 3
Plain sleeved 34 17 10 - 5 134 45 8 8 - 199 31
Patterned sleeved - - 1 - - 35 12 1 1 - 38 6
Plain sleeveless 1 1 2 - - 17 6 1 7 8 36 6
Patterned sleeveless 14 - - - - 4 1 2 4 2 12 2
No alternative 14 7 1 1 1 32 11 2 3 - 54 8
TOTAL of preferences given 206 78 4 13 296 18 23 11 649

( Note. Vertical totals under “Types worn” add to more than horizontal of “Preference given” because in some cases women mentioned two types of overall; either of which they usually wore for work.)

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