A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

38 38 39 39 40 40



Questions about newspaper reading and cinema going were asked in an inquiry made in June 1943, and the results for the sample as a whole are compared with those of the present inquiry. In the analysis, only the results obtained in the present inquiry are given.

Did you see a morning newspaper yesterday? * Which one?

Whole Sample
June 1943 Oct. 1946
% %
Daily Express 19 22
Daily Herald 13 13
Daily Mail 9 11
Daily Mirror 12 16
News Chronicle 8 9
Daily Graphic (Sketch) 4 4
Telegraph 6 7
The Times 2 3
Daily Worker 1 1
Provincial or local paper 15 16
None seen 27 21
SAMPLE: 5,639 3,137

* In interviews made on a Monday the informant was asked about the previous Saturday.

Analysis by Sex

Men Women
% %
Daily Express 25 19
Daily Herald 19 99
Daily Mail 12 11
Daily Mirror 16 16
News Chronicle 13 7
Daily Graphic (Sketch) 3 4
Daily Telegraph 7 7
The Times 3 2
Daily Worker 1 -
Provincial or local paper 19 14
None seen 13 27
SAMPLE: 1,316 1,816
(5 not classified by sex)
Analysis by Age
16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 & over
% % % % % %
Daily Express 14 22 23 25 24 15
Daily Herald 8 15 13 14 12 11
Daily Mail 11 8 11 10 15 14
Daily Mirror 18 22 20 16 12 10
News Chronicle 4 10 8 10 11 9
Daily Graphic (Sketch) 3 3 3 3 3 5
Daily Telegraph 3 6 6 7 8 11
The Times 3 1 2 3 3 3
Daily Worker 2 1 1 - - -
Provincial or local paper 9 13 16 16 18 15
None seen 40 20 18 20 27 25
SAMPLE: 116 537 692 685 508 596
(3 not classified by age)
Analysis by Economic Group
Lower Middle Higher
% % %
Daily Express 15 23 26
Daily Herald 11 16 11
Daily Mail 9 10 15
Daily Mirror 13 19 15
News Chronicle 7 10 11
Daily Graphic (Sketch) 3 3 4
Daily Telegraph 4 3 16
The Times 1 - 7
Daily worker 1 1 1
Provincial or local paper 15 14 19
None seen 32 21 11
SAMPLE: 779 1,352 946
(60 not classified by economic group)
Analysis by Education
Elementary only Some Higher
% %
Daily Express 20 26
Daily Herald 15 7
Daily Mail 10 17
Daily Mirror 17 13
News Chronicle 9 10
Daily Graphic (Sketch) 3 6
Daily Telegraph 3 22
The Times - 11
Daily Worker 1 1
Provincial or local paper 16 16
None seen 24 10
SAMPLE: 2,414 689
(34 not classified by Education)
Analysis by OCCUPATION
Factory Operations Other manual workers Clerical & distributive Professional & Managerial Housewives Retired & Unoccupied
% % % % % %
Daily Express 22 21 30 28 20 14
Daily Herald 22 16 11 9 9 16
Daily Mail 9 11 16 19 10 10
Daily Mirror 18 18 13 11 17 11
News Chronicle 10 14 12 10 7 5
Daily Graphic 2 3 4 4 3 4
Daily Telegraph 2 4 10 27 6 10
The Times - 2 2 14 2 5
Daily Worker 1 1 1 1 - 1
Provincial or local paper 19 15 16 18 15 18
None seen 18 20 18 5 24 25
SAMPLE: 347 697 330 187 1,296 277
(4 not classified by Occupation)

How often (on the average) do you go to the cinema at this time of year?

Whole Sample
June 1943 Oct. 1946
% %
More than twice a week 4 32 3 32
Twice a week 8 10
Once a week 20 19
Once a fortnight 6 38 9 41
Once a month 6 10
Less than once a month 26 22
Don’t gp now 9 30 3 27
Never go 21 24
SAMPLE: 5,639 3,137

Analysis by Sex

Men Women
% %
Once a week or more 27 35
Less than once a week 42 40
Not now, or never 31 25
SAMPLE: 1,316 1,816
(5 not classified by sex)

Analysis by Age

16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 & over
% % % % % %
Once a week or more 69 57 35 28 22 11
Less than once a week 28 34 46 52 43 28
Not now, or never 2 9 19 20 35 61
SAMPLE: 116 537 692 685 508 596
(3 not classified by age)

Analysis by Economic Group

Lower Middle Higher
% % %
Once a week or more 26 36 30
Less than once a week 32 41 48
Not now, or never 42 23 22
SAMPLE: 779 1,352 946
(60 not classified by economic group)

Analysis by Education

Elementary only Some Higher
% %
Once a week or more 32 31
Less than once a week 38 49
Not now, or never 30 20
SAMPLE: 2,414 689
(34 not classified by Education)

Analysis by OCCUPATION

Factory Operations Other manual workers Clerical & distributive Professional & Managerial Housewives Retired & Unoccupied
% % % % % %
Once a week or more 40 31 42 24 30 20
Less than once a week 39 42 38 55 43 26
Not now, or never 21 27 20 20 27 53
SAMPLE: 347 697 330 187 1,296 277

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