A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

17 16 18 17 19 18


In the course of the different investigations, information was collected on how many housewives use certain foods. This material can be used for comparative purposes in further investigations and is, therefore, presented here.

Use of Vegetables by Housewives

Cabbage Runner Beans French Beans Cauliflower Sprouts Leeks Carrots Swedes & Turnips Potatoes
% % % % % % % % %
Proportion who serve 96 70 61 87 94 47 80 72 100
Do not serve 4 30 39 13 6 53 20 28 -
Total Sample 2576

Use of Vegetables in Made-up Dishes

No. of times vegetables used in stews and made-up dishes. Stews Other Dishes
Once a week 39 23
Twice a week 20 8
More than twice a week 9 9
Not at all 28 51
N.A. 4 9
Sample 2576 2576

Use of Powdered and Condensed Milk

Proportions who use Powdered Milk Condensed Milk
% %
Regularly * 38 18
Occasionally 30 44
Never 32 34
N.A. - 4
Sample 2776

* * A housewife was considered to use dried or condensed milk regularly if she made a practice of using it whenever she was short of fresh milk, without cutting down, or out, the dishes in her menu which require milk, inclusive of milk drinks, tea and coffee.

Use of Breakfast Cereals

Great Britain Scotland only
% %
% who serve 82 90
% not serving 18 10 (2 surveys)
Sample 4398
65% of cereal users never use oatmeal in Gt. Britain
22% of cereal users never use oatmeal in Scotland

Buying of Cakes and Biscuits

1st inquiry 2nd inquiry
% of people who buy cakes and biscuits. 92 97
% of people who don’t buy cakes and biscuits. 8 3
Sample 4398 4760

Taking of Jam Ration

% of people who take full jam ration 94
% of people who don’t 6
Sample 4398

Use of Jam

Served jam last week 96
Use for cooking 52
% who made from 6 - 18 lbs. jam 27
% who made some jam 64
% who made none 34

Use of Custard Powder etc. (including Blancmange, junket and cornflour.)

% who serve 94
% not serving 6
Sample 4398

Custard Powder (only) served last week by 68%

Ready-made Baking Mixtures

% who use 46
% not using 54
Sample 4398

Sausages and Meat Pies

Sausages Sausage Meat Meat Pies
% who use 76 34 37
Seldom or never * 24 65 62
Sample 4760

* “Seldom” is defined as “used not more often than once in two months”.

Fish and Chips

Fried Fish Chips
% who buy 35 36
Seldom or never buy 64 63
Sample 4760

Regional differences

Fried Fish Chips
Eastern 51 52
Scotland 21 22

Urban and Rural

Urban 38 38
Rural 15 15

Income Group

Under £5 45 45
Over £5 10 10

Meat and Fish Paste

% who use 48
Seldom or never 51
Sample 4760

Tinned and Powdered Soup

Tinned Powdered
% who use 53 21
Seldom or never 46 78
Sample 4760

Vinegar, Bottled Sauces, Bought Pickles

Vinegar Bottled Sauces Bought Pickles
% who use 88 77 51
Seldom or never 11 22 47
Sample 4760

Home-made Pickles

% who make 61
% who use only home-made 20

Coffee Essence, Cocoa and Patent Food Drinks

Coffee Essence Cocoa Patent Foods
% who use 48 80 49
Seldom or never 51 19 50
Sample 4760

Bottled Cordials and Lemonade Crystals

Cordials Crystals
% who use 43 23
Seldom or never 57 77
Sample 4760

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