A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

1 2

The Attitudes of Potential Entrants to The Women’s Services

To the Informant: “this is an enquiry to find what girls and women 17½ - 43 think of War Work and the Women’s Services”.

1. Have you registered under your ago group? ......... Yes 1

......... No 2

1a. Have you had your Interview? ......... Yes 1

......... No 2

2. If you have handed in your name for a Service, please state when ......

3. What happened? ............

4. What do you feel about joining a Service, such as the W.A.A.F, A.T.S, W.R.N.S, or doing other War Work?......... Willing 1

Unwilling 2

5. If you have any objection to War Work or joining a Service, what is it?

Already in War Work. 1
Have young children to care for. 2
Have other dependants. 3
Fear of being unable to leave uncongenial job. 4
I don’t think I am as much needed as all that. 5
Do not want to leave good or promising job. 6
Would not like leaving home. 7
Not physically fit. 8
My family would object. 9
Other objections 10

6. If you have no objection, which would you prefer to join?

War Work (1)W.A.A.F.(2) A.T.S. (3) W.R.I.(4) Others (5)

7. Why do you prefer this? Please give reasons

8. Have you any concrete objection to the others? If War Work state objection here.....................................................................

If Services, check objection against Service(s).

(Please encircle appropriate code).

W.A.A.F. A.T.S. WRNS. Others.
The Pay and Allowances would not be enough 1 1 1 1
The uniform is bad 2 2 2 2
Not enough leave or spare time. 3 3 3 3
Too much drilling and discipline. 4 4 4 4
I would not like the Officers. 5 5 5 5
I might get a job that:
(a) I did not like and did not interest me 6 6 6 6
(b) did not give me full opportunities 7 7 7 7
I might have to learn a job which would be of no use to me when the war is over. 8 8 8 8
I might be asked to do a job which was beyond me physically and mentally. 9 9 9 9
Possibilities of promotion. 10 10 10 10
Because of the type of person I would have to live with. 11 11 11 11
I would not like the living conditions. 12 12 12 12
The surroundings would not be congenial 13 13 13 13
The type of men met. 14 14 14 14
My friends and/or relatives would not like me to be in this Service 15 15 15 15
Other objections 16 16 16 16

9. Have you heard anyone else say this kind of thing? ......... Yes 1

No 2

If yes, was it a Relative? 1
A friend? 2
A friend in the Forces? 3

10. If you could choose, would you prefer to work alongside men?......... 1

Only with women?......... 2

don’t mind?......... 3

11. If compulsion was introduced for bringing women unto the Services what would be your attitude?

I would go willingly. 1
I wouldn’t mind. 2
I would resent it. 3

12. What Daily newspaper do you read regularly?.........

Sunday Daily newspaper do you read regularly?.........

Local Daily newspaper do you read regularly? .........

Evening Daily newspaper do you read regularly?.....

Magazines and/or Periodicals read regularly?.........

13. When is your favourite time for listening to the Radio?

No Radio.........

Do not listen.........



14. What advertising or annoucements have you noticed concerning the

Women’s Services or War Work?

Check. Please list particular items recalled:
Newspapers. 1
Magazines. 2
Radio. 3
Films. 4
Posters. 5
Exhibition. 6
Others. 7

15. Do you feel you have enough information about the Services to come to a decision about joining?


Occupation.........Where Interviewed

Age Group: 17½ - 20, 20 - 25, 25 - 30. 30 - 35, over 35.





Proportion of total contacts who had (a)registered
(b)had interview

In Question 3, those who replied were asked: “What happened when you handed in your name for a Service?” The replies are as follows:-

I volunteered, and am waiting to hear further 29
Was accepted, have had medical examination and am now waiting to hear 13) 16
Volunteered for A.T.S. and am now waiting 3)
Am in abeyance for W.R.N.S. 5
Nothing happened: I have not been sent for 5
Failed to pass medical examination 4
I completed forms without consulting parents who have stopped me 3
Have since joined a Service 3
I was told to go back again 2
Told to stay where I was till sent for 1
Alien 2
Did not like interviewer - too abrupt and unhelpful 1
I liked interviewer - very helpful 1
Was given papers to complete, but have not bothered to send them in 1
Turned down because too young 1
Am now training for munitions 1
My offer of part-time work was rejected 1
Have been invalided out, or resigned from a Service 5
No answer given 12

The 29 cases in the above Table who have volunteered and are now waiting to hear further, and the five cases who said, that “Nothing happened; I have not been sent for”, state that they have been waiting for the following periods:

Within last week 5
Two weeks ago 4
One month ago 10 1
Two-three months 2 2
Three-six months 1
Six-twelve months 2
Over a year ago 3 2
No date given 2
29 5

The numbers are quite small, and no firm conclusions can be drawn from them. Those handing in their names over a year ago might have got out of touch by one reason or another; they might have changed their address, or correspondence might have been lost in transit owing to air raids, and some part of the omission could possibly be due to earlier imperfections in the calling-up organisation. There is an indication that the length of time elapsing before a would-be entrant is received by a Service, which, if protracted is so unsettling to them, could be made the subject of a further inquiry.


Willingness to join the Uniformed Services, or to do other War Work





Don’t Know


Question 4: What do you feel about joining a Service, or doing other War work?

Willingness to join - by age

Answers to Question 4 Age Groups Total
17½-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35 and over
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1.Willing 174 84 198 73 173 57 98 59 43 54 686 67
2.Unwilling 33 16 69 25 128 42 66 40 36 45 332 32
Don’t know 1 - 6 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 13 1
Total 208 100 273 100 305 100 165 100 80 100 1,031 100

While the majority, some 67%, of women interviewed state they are willing to enter for war work either in the Women’s Services or munitions, etc., such willingness is by no means the same in all ages, and the tendency is for the older women to be less willing. This is due mainly to their sense of domestic responsibility, as is shown in the response to Question 5.

On the following page the data is analysed by occupation and region. Having regard to the margins of statistical error, most differences are not significant, but the housewife of whatever class is shown to be significantly less willing than women in other occupations, and, as to regional differences, the S. and S.E. regions have a low proportion of women willing to join a Service.


Willingness to join Services or War Work - by Occupation and by Region

OCCUPATION Answers to Question 4
1.Willing 2.Unwilling Don’t know Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Not given - - 2 100 - - 2 100
Independent 13 72 5 28 - - 18 100
Managerial or Professional 80 64 44 35 1 1 125 100
Housewife A. or B. 55 55 45 44 1 1 101 100
Housewife C. or D. 57 51 54 48 1 1 112 100
Factory Skilled 23 82 5 18 - - 28 100
Clerical Skilled 144 71 55 27 4 2 203 100
Distributive including Shop Assistants 147 72 56 27 2 1 205 100
Factory Unskilled 36 69 16 31 - - 52 100
Domestic Service 79 76 23 22 2 2 104 100
At Home A. or B. 31 62 18 36 1 2 50 100
At Home C. or D. 21 68 9 29 1 3 31 100
Total 686 67 332 32 13 1 1,031 100
REGIONS Answers to Question 4
1.Willing 2.Unwilling Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
North 107 76 32 23 2 1 141 100
N.E. 100 85 18 15 - - 118 100
N.M. 88 67 44 33 - - 132 100
E. 58 60 39 40 - - 97 100
S.E. 96 54 76 43 5 3 177 100
S. 44 54 36 45 1 1 81 100
S.W. 60 71 24 28 1 1 85 100
Scotland 79 65 41 34 1 1 121 100
Wales 54 68 22 28 3 4 79 100
Total 686 67 332 32 13 1 1,031 100

Note :


“Independent”............of independent means

“Housewife A. or B.”...........housewife of middle or upper classes

“Housewife C. or D.”........housewife of working classes

“At Home, A.B. or C.D..........otherwise unoccupied and living at home.


Objections to War Work, or to joining a Service

Question 5: If you have objection to War Work, or to joining a Service, what is it?

A great many informants gave more than one objection. The percentages are based on the total objections mentioned.

Objection Age Groups Total
17½-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 Over 35
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Would not like leaving home 29 277 59 29 70 23 34 23 16 19 208 25
Have other dependants 11 10 28 14 42 14 28 19 19 23 128 15
My family would object 32 30 26 13 27 9 13 9 2 2 100 12
Have young children to care for 1 1 10 5 39 13 28 19 11 13 89 11
Already in War work 1 1 23 11 20 7 1 - 6 7 51 6
Do not want to leave a good or promising job 9 9 15 7 30 10 10 7 7 8 71 8
Not physically fit. 5 5 16 8 8 6 5 3 3 4 47 6
Feel I am already doing useful work 2 2 6 3 18 6 7 5 9 11 42 5
I don’t think I am as much needed as all that 2 2 3 1 8 3 4 3 3 4 20 [Text Missing]
I would be unable to leave uncongenial job 1 1 6 3 5 1 3 2 1 1 16 2

Miscellaneous objections : I object to being with a crowd, 10: I dislike uniform, 7: Conscientious and religious objections, 6: Would not like rough work, 6: Scope for my profession too limited, 5: Compulsion is fairer, 4: Told if I leave job I should lose it after war, 4: Doesn’t like idea, 4: Exempted - necessary to employer, 3: Girls are pushed into unsuitable jobs, 3: Student - want to complete studies, 3: Could not see husband when on leave, 2: Too old for drastic change, 1: Afraid of new ventures, 1: Miscellaneous, 13. The objections vary with age. For the girls and younger women they are that they do not want to leave home, or the security of their home, and that their family would object. For the older age groups, however, it is a sense of domestic responsibility, that they have dependants to care for, including young children, and that they would not like leaving home (mainly for those reasons). These together amount to 63% of the total objections.

The question of getting women into the Women’s Services or War Work is a question of relieving them of their domestic responsibility.

The group that stated they were “already in war work” should, ideally, have been omitted and the count taken on the remainder.

Much of the interviewing, however, was done in such places as Ilkley, Harrogate, Brecon, Maidenhead, and the like, and there is some doubt that all who returned this answer were in actual fact in War work or working to their full capacity. The item has therefore been retained as a reminder of this.


Choice of Service


War Work in office or factory




Other Services





Question 6: If you have no objection which would you prefer to join? - War Work in Office or Factory, W.A.A.F., A.T.S., W.R.N.S., Others?

The 686 women of the total interviewed who expressed willingness to join a Service gave their choice of service as above. In a number of cases a first and second, and even a third choice was given, the total mentions of Service aggregating to 835.

No. %
War Work in Office or Factory 259 32
W.A.A.F. 204 25
Nursing (C.N.R., V.A.D., B.A.M.S., St. John’s, etc.) 43 17
Women’s Land Army 55
A.T.S., N.F.S. 9
Civil Defence (A.R.P.) 3
F.A.N.Y.S. 5
N.A.A.F.I. 10
W.V.S. 3
Policewoman 2
Ministries or Government, Clerical 5
M.T.C. 3
Others (including “Any”) 22
W.R.N.S 130 16
A.T.S. 82 10
Total 835 100

Reasons given for choice of War Work or Service

Question 7: Why do you prefer this? - War Work in Factory or Office.

No. %
Because I want to stay at home 88 124 = 53
Because I could keep my home on 4
Because I want to stay with my husband, parents, etc. 32
More money 9 14 = 6
I can support dependants 5
Better chance of doing my own work - my qualifications fit me for War Work 20 26 = 11
Work is interesting 6
This is most important work: other Services are not so necessary 8 14 = 6
Best way to help country 6
Turned against Women’s Services by what people say 2 40 = 17
I promised my fiancé , father, I would not join Services 4
I do not want to join Services 16
I object to discipline 3
More freedom 12
I object to community life 1
I dislike uniforms 2
Miscellaneous: 17 = 7
Because of my health and more suitable for older women
I dislike the life. No special reason. No opinion
235 = 100

Auxiliary Territorial Service

My husband, etc., is in the Army 13 22
More chance of promotion in A.T.S. 7 13
My qualifications fit me for the A.T.S 5 8
I can support dependants 5 8
I would like to learn to drive 5 8
Miscellaneous: 24 41
Work is interesting. To help the country. I like
the life. My friend is in the A.T.S. I like the uniform

Women's Auxiliary Air Force

I like the uniform 36 22
The work is interesting. I could learn more: it is exciting, of wider scope 32 20
My husband, fiancé is in the R.A.F. 18 11
My qualifications fit me for the W.A.A.F. 14 9
I prefer the type of girl in the W.A.A.F. 14 9
I have relations/friends in the W.A.A.F’s and they like it 10 6
I like the life 7 4
The R.A.F. do so well, I’d like to help them 7 4
Miscellaneous: 25 15
More sociable in the W.A.A.F. Better class than A.T.S,
It is the most important work. Have heard good reports
of the W.A.A.F. No opinion
163 100

Women’s Royal Naval Service

No. %
I like the sea: I am interested in the Navy 28 27
I prefer the type of girl in the W.R.N.S. 22 21
The work is interesting and I would learn more 9 9
I like the uniform 8 7
My husband, brother, etc. is in the Navy 7 6
I admire the Navy I would like to help them 5 5
My qualifications fit me for the W.R.N.S. More freedom. I have friends in the W.R.N.S. and they like it. W.R.N.S. better class then A.T.S. More adventure with the W.R.N.S. W.R.N.S. have a better class than other Services. Have heard good reports of W.R.N.S. 26 25
105 100

The reasons given for wanting to join other Services are all obvious, e.g. the Land Army is chosen for its open air nature and for the sake of living in the country, the Nursing Services for the opportunity of learning or practising nursing, and so on.

Objections to War Work (in factories and office)

Question 8. If you have any objection to War Work, what is it?
Objection to Age Groups Total
17½ - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 Over35
No. No. No. No. No. No. %
Too monotonous and uncongenial 12 18 10 6 - 46 28
Factory conditions are bad and unhealthy 4 6 6 4 4 24 16
Don’t want to leave home or family 1 5 11 3 - 20 12
Not strong enough 2 4 6 - 1 13 8
No qualifications and not used to factory 2 3 3 1 - 9 5
Type of person in factory too coarse - 5 1 2 - 8 5
Pacifist or religious objections 2 1 1 1 - 5 3
Hours are too long 1 1 1 1 - 4 2
I would dislike shift work 1 - - 1 - 2 1
Unspecified objections 6 5 6 3 - 20 12
Miscellaneous objections 3 3 2 3 3 14 8
TOTALS 34 51 47 25 8 165 100

Objections to Women’s (Uniformed) Services

Question 8. If you have any objection to the Women’s Services, what is it?

Objection W.A.A.F. A.T.S. W.R.N.S. OTHERS
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Because of the type of person I would have to live with 61 11 126 23 44 8 28 5
I would not like the living conditions 48 14 63 20 44 13 27 8
Surroundings would not be congenial 32 49 28 17
My friends and relatives would not like me to be in this Service 84 15 110 20 72 13 49 9
The uniform is bad 36 6 91 16 40 7 19 3
Too much drilling and discipline 53 6 64 12 49 9 28 5
This Service has bad name; adverse criticism of friends and relatives; cases of “unmarried mothers”. 32 6 60 11 26 5 20 4
Pay and allowances would not be enough 51 9 55 10 48 9 23 4
I might get a job I did not like, or which is uninteresting 36 6 52 9 33 6 19 3
I might get a job which did not give me full opportunities 23 4 31 6 21 4 12 2
I don’t wish to leave home: I would miss my home comforts 28 5 28 5 28 5 16 3
Too much “herding”: not enough privacy 27 5 27 5 27 5 21 4
I might be asked to do a job beyond me physically, mentally 21 4 25 5 22 4 19 3
Not enough leave or spare time 22 4 22 4 19 3 9 2
The type of men I would meet 12 2 19 3 9 2 4 -
Dislike of any uniform 18 3 19 3 18 3 14 3
Improbability of promotion 11 2 15 3 11 2 3 -
I would not like the officers 11 2 14 3 10 2 4 -
Might be sent anywhere: don’t want to go abroad 14 3 14 3 15 3 4 -
I might have to learn a job of no use to me when the war is over 14 3 12 2 10 2 6 1

Miscellaneous objections common to all Services. The actual number of mentions in connection with the A.T.S. is given: all these are below 1%.

I want to be available when my husband, fiancé, etc. has leave 8
They turn women into men; women lose their individuality 8
I should not like being forced to stay if I found it uncongenial 5
Too much misleading advertising and too many broken promises 5
I am not a good mixer and could not adapt myself 6
Too much domestic work 7
I would dislike having anything to do with killing 3
There is not enough care or supervision of girls; slovenly appearance shows lack of efficiency 2
Other miscellaneous objections to the A.T.S. totalled 29

Objections Suggested by Other People

Question 9. Have you heard anyone else say this kind of thing? If so, was it a relative, a friend, a friend in the Forces?

By asking this question it was hoped to trace whether the objections to War Work or to the women’s uniformed Services were suggested or sustained by the comments of other people. The results are, for the first part of the question:

Have you heard anyone else say this kind of thing? Age Groups Total
17 ½ - 20 20-25 25-30 30-35 Over 35
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 62 65 85 57 70 49 47 60 19 50 283 56
No 33 35 65 43 72 51 31 40 19 50 220 44
Total 95 100 150 100 142 100 78 100 38 100 503 100

The sample does not give small enough degrees of statistical error for the variations by age to be significant, but it is very evident that more than half of those having objections to the women’s uniformed Services have had these objections suggested to them by other people.

The second part of the question asked whether the adverse comment had originated from a relative, a friend, or a friend in the Forces, The analysed results are as follows:

Objection heard from: Age Groups Total
17 ½ - 20 20-25 25-30 30-35 Over 35
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Relative 19 20 27 18 13 9 17 22 1 3 77 15
Friend 38 40 63 42 56 39 29 37 16 40 202 40
Friend in the Forces 23 24 39 26 28 20 14 18 6 16 100 22
(Base) (95) (150) (142) (78) (38) (503)

The gossip of friend and relative, and the discouragement of the man in the Forces is brought out in this Table.


Choice of work companions - by age

With Men


Only with women


Do not mind


Prefer mixed


Question 10. If you could choose, would you prefer to work alongside men,

only with women, or don’t you mind which?

By Age Groups

Age Group Answers to Question 10
Alongside men Only with women Don’t mind Prefer mixed Not answered Total
% % % %
17 ½ - 20 35 18 23 12 108 55 32 15 10 208
20-25 52 20 29 11 157 61 21 8 14 273
25-30 59 21 28 10 164 59 27 10 27 305
30-35 31 20 14 9 93 60 17 11 10 165
Over 35 12 16 8 11 46 63 7 10 7 80
Total 189 19 102 11 568 58 104 12 68 1,031

The Table shows the reaction to this question to be consistently the same for the particular age groups considered. Statistically there is no evidence of variation between ages, and seven out of ten women either do not mind which sex they work with or prefer to work with men and women, one woman out of ten wants to work with women, and two out of ten prefer to work with men only.

An analysis by occupation is given on tho following page.


Choice of work companions - by occupation

Occupation Answers to Question 10
Alongside men Only with women Don’t mind Prefer mixed Not answered Total
% % % % % 2
Not given - - - - 1 - - - 1 - 2
Independent 5 28 3 16 10 56 - - - - 18
Managerial & Professional 28 23 3 2 75 60 18 15 1 - 125
Housewife A. or B. 24 26 5 5 57 62 6 7 9 - 101
Housewife C. or D. 8 9 12 13 64 69 9 9 19 - 112
Factory, skilled 6 23 7 27 11 42 2 8 2 - 28
Clerical, skilled 62 32 10 5 100 51 23 12 8 - 203
Distributive, including shop Assistants 35 18 30 15 110 56 22 11 8 - 205
Factory, unskilled 5 10 6 12 29 59 9 19 3 - 52
Domestic Service 5 5 17 17 65 65 12 13 5 - 104
At Home A. & B. 7 15 4 9 27 57 9 19 3 - 50
At Home C. & D. 4 13 5 16 19 61 3 10 - - 31
Total 189 19 102 11 568 58 113 12 59 - 1,031

There is much interest in this Table if the background of the occupations is considered. The main conclusion, as shown in the analysis by age, is that seven out of ten women do not mind with whom they work. It is interesting to see that the occupational category showing the highest preference for working alongside men is that of the skilled clerical worker, while only 2% of the managerial and professional women give a preference for working with women only.


Attitude to Conscription

Would Not Mind


Would go willingly


Would resent


Question 11. If compulsion was introduced for bringing women into the Services, what would be your attitude? Would you go willingly, would you not mind, or would you resent it?

Of those who said they were willing to join a Service (Question 4), 68% said that they would go willingly if compulsion was introduced, 17% they would not mind, while 15% said they would resent it. The result is shown in the diagram above. This means that from 8 to 9 out of every 10 suitable and willing prospective entrants to the Services are apparently only waiting for conscription, or the removal of their economic difficulties.

An examination of the total sample of 1,031 women, in which those willing and unwilling to join a Service are combined, gives much the same picture, as shown in the following Table where the answers are analysed by age.

Reaction to conscription - By age
Age Group Answers to Question 11
I would go willingly I would not mind I would not resent it Not answered Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No.
17 ½ - 20 153 76 26 13 22 11 7 - 208
20-25 148 57 51 19 63 24 11 - 273
25-30 153 54 51 18 79 28 22 - 305
30-35 84 54 25 16 46 30 10 - 165
Over 35 36 51 14 19 21 30 9 - 80
Total 574 59 167 17 231 24 59 - 1,031

There is a tendency for the proportion resenting compulsion to vary with age. The younger age groups show less resentment at, and greater willingness, to accept conscription.


Attitude to Conscription - by occupation

The following table analyses the data by occupation

Occupation Answers to Question 11
1.I would go willingly 2.I would not mind 3.I would not resent it Not answered Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No.
Not given 1 - - - - - 1 - 2
Independent 8 44 5 28 5 28 - - 18
Managerial & Professional 62 52 27 23 2 25 7 - 125
Housewife A. or B. 49 53 16 17 27 30 9 - 101
Housewife C. or D. 44 45 19 20 34 35 15 - 112
Factory, skilled 17 65 6 23 3 12 2 - 28
Clerical, skilled 132 67 30 15 35 18 6 - 203
Distributive, including shop Assistants 117 60 30 15 49 25 9 - 205
Factory, unskilled 26 53 14 29 9 18 3 - 52
Domestic Service 68 67 13 13 21 20 2 - 104
At Home A. & B. 30 64 3 6 14 30 3 - 50
At Home C. & D. 20 70 4 14 5 16 2 - 31
Total 574 59 167 17 231 24 59 - 1,031

It is evident here that age should be taken into account, for it appears to be the disturbing factor in this analysis by occupation and social class. It will be seen that the least resentment is shown by the occupations of the lower social classes (e.g. skilled and unskilled factory work, domestic service), and the greatest resentment by the higher social classes (e.g. “of independent means,” and A. and B. housewife.) This is not true of the housewife of the C. and D. classes where we have a low social class with a high resentment. It is probable that the reason for this is that the age groups of this class are, within the sample, older.

The main fact, however, is that the majority of women, of whatever occupation, are in favour of compulsion.


Newspaper Readership

Question 12. What daily, Sunday, local and evening newspapers do you read regularly?

Newspaper Reading regularly Sampling error
% %
Daily Newspapers
Daily Express 17.6 ± 2.4
Daily Mirror 13.7 ± 2.2
Daily Telegraph 13.3 ± 2.2
Daily Mail 11.3 ± 2.0
Daily Herald 7.3 ± 1.7
News Chroncile 6.9 ± 1.6
Daily Sketch 5.6 ± 1.4
The Times 4.2 ± 1.2
News of the World 18.5 ± 2.5
Pepole 17.8 ± 2.4
Sunday Express 12.7 ± 2.1
Sunday Pictorial 10.3 ± 2.0
Sunday Dispatch 6.8 ± 1.6
Observer 6.0 ± 1.5
Sunday Times 5.6 ± 1.4
Sunday Graphic 4.2 ± 1.2
Reynolds 3.4 ± 1.1
Sunday Chronicle 2.7 ± 1.0
Empire News 2.7 ± 1.0
(Base for Percentages) 1,000 -

This question was asked for its interest in connection with publicity. It shows what newspapers are read by women between the ages of 17½ and 43, who might be considered as suitable for enrolment into the Women’s Services. It therefore reflects the newspaper readership of a particular group of society, and care should be taken when comparing these results with those of other media surveys, which usually deal with society in general.

“Local newspapers”, as above, includes both daily and weekly local newspapers.


Favourite Times of Listening to Radio - Weekdays

Question 13. When is your favourite time for listening to the Radio?


Favourite Time for Listening Age Groups Total
17 ½ - 20 20-25 25-30 30-35 Over 35
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
No Radio 9 5 14 5 12 4 9 6 2 3 46 5
Do not listen 7 4 4 2 2 - - - 1 1 14 1
Before 8 a.m 3 2 6 2 - - 3 2 5 7 17 2
8.0 - 8.30 10 5 9 3 9 3 7 4 7 9 42 4
8.30 - 9.0 5 3 4 2 1 - 2 1 4 5 16 2
9.0 - 9.30 4 2 5 2 - - 4 3 5 7 18 2
9.30 - 10.0 4 2 4 2 - - 2 1 4 5 14 1
10.0 - 10.30 4 2 5 2 - - 2 1 4 5 15 1
10.30 - 1.0 5 3 7 3 1 - 2 1 4 5 19 2
1.0 - 1.30 7 4 11 4 4 1 5 3 4 7 31 3
1.30 - 2.0 4 2 9 3 2 - 1 - 2 3 18 2
2.0 - 2.30 4 2 8 3 2 - 1 - 1 1 16 2
2.30 - 3.0 4 2 7 3 2 - 1 - 2 3 16 2
3.0 - 6.0 4 2 9 3 4 1 1 - 1 1 19 2
6.0 - 6.30 93 46 107 41 6 2 48 31 24 32 276 28
6.30 - 7.30 90 45 103 39 3 1 47 30 20 27 263 27
7.30 - 8.0 89 44 103 39 3 1 47 30 21 28 263 27
8.0 - 8.30 91 45 105 40 9 3 48 31 20 27 273 28
8.30 - 9.0 90 45 104 40 5 2 49 31 20 27 273 28
9.0 - 9.30 103 51 118 45 5 2 56 36 32 43 314 32
9.30 - 10.0 90 45 105 40 3 1 47 30 20 27 265 27
After 10.0 9 5 15 6 - - 5 3 1 1 30 3
To News only 21 10 41 16 1 - 31 20 11 15 105 11
To News and Dance Music 2 1 - - - - 2 1 - - 4 -
No Special Time 21 10 34 13 6 2 24 15 11 15 96 10
All Day 5 3 9 3 2 - 9 6 5 7 30 3
Base for % - (No. answering) 202 - 100 263-100 293-100 156-100 74-100 988-100

The purpose of this question was to find the optimum time for carrying a message to girls and women by radio. It was necessary, in view of the length of the questionnaire, to ask one simple question, so that it was not possible to employ the highly developed technique used in radio penetration studies. The simplest approach was to. ask, as was done in the above question, what was the favourite time of listening.

It is probable, in the above table of weekday listening, that Saturday listenership is greater than that of Monday to Friday, but not to such an extent as to disturb the general findings.

The Table shows definitely that the evening is the favourite time of listening, with 9.0 to 9.30 p.m. as the peak common to all ages. It will be noted that the percentage giving the answers “Listen to News only”, “Listen to News and Dance Music” and those saying that they listen all day (although this last should be taken with some reserve), should be added to the appropriate time. If this is done it will be seen that from 9.0 to 9.30 p.m. is still the peak, and therefore the best time for contacting this section of the radio audience.


Favourite Time of listening to Radio - Sunday

Question 13. When is your favourite time for listening to the Radio?


Favourite Time for Listening Age Groups Total
17 ½ - 20 20-25 25-30 30-35 Over 35
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
No Radio 9 5 14 5 12 4 9 6 2 3 46 5
Do not listen 25 12 21 8 32 11 11 7 4 5 93 9
Before 8 a.m - - - - - - - - - - - -
8.0 - 8.30 11 5 6 2 7 2 3 2 4 5 31 3
8.30 - 9.0 10 5 5 2 8 3 3 2 4 5 30 3
9.0 - 9.30 13 6 5 2 12 4 3 2 4 5 37 4
9.30 - 10.0 10 5 5 2 7 2 2 1 3 4 27 3
10.0 - 10.30 10 5 5 2 7 2 2 1 3 4 27 3
10.30 - 1.0 11 5 6 2 8 3 2 1 3 4 30 3
1.0 - 1.30 27 15 26 10 30 10 13 8 9 12 104 11
1.30 - 2.0 23 11 23 9 29 10 9 6 7 9 91 9
2.0 - 2.30 22 11 23 9 28 10 9 6 7 9 89 9
2.30 - 3.0 23 11 24 9 27 9 9 6 7 9 90 9
3.0 - 6.0 28 14 27 10 33 11 10 6 9 12 107 11
6.0 - 6.30 32 16 45 17 62 21 26 17 13 18 178 18
6.30 - 7.30 29 14 45 17 56 19 24 15 12 16 166 17
7.30 - 8.0 29 14 45 17 56 19 24 15 12 16 166 17
8.0 - 8.30 31 15 47 18 56 19 24 15 12 16 170 17
8.30 - 9.0 30 15 45 17 56 19 25 16 12 16 168 17
9.0 - 9.30 35 17 50 19 59 20 28 18 17 23 189 19
9.30 - 10.0 29 14 45 17 56 19 23 15 12 16 165 17
After 10 p.m. - - 10 4 9 3 1 - 2 3 22 2
To News only 9 5 21 8 23 8 22 14 4 5 79 8
To News and Dance Music 2 1 1 - 2 - 2 1 2 3 91 1
No Special Time 37 18 52 20 51 17 24 15 9 12 173 18
All Day 29 14 34 13 27 9 21 13 8 11 119 12
Base for % (No. answering) 202 - 100 263-100 293-100 156-100 74-100 988-100

Note: The items “Listen to News only , etc., should be allocated to their appropriate times. As with weekdays, it is shown above that the evening generally is the favourite time of listening, with the 9.0 p.m. news as the peak common to all ages.


Unaided remembrance of relevant advertising













Other media


Question 14 : What advertising or announcements have you noticed concerning Women s Services or War Work?

No. No. of Mentions as % of total answering
1. Newspapers 589 59.6
2. Magazines 176 17.8
3. Radio 254 25.7
4. Films 413 41.8
5. Posters 593 60.0
6. Exhibitions 57 5.8
7. Other Media 32 3.2
Total Mentions 2,114
Base (Total answers to Question) 988

Many informants recalled more than one media, the average recollected . being 2.1.

Informants were additionally asked to give details of particular items Recalled. The .analysis of this follows, medium by medium.

No. %
Newspapers A.T.S. 243 25.6
A.T.S. Drivers 4
“I want a new hat” 6
W.A.A.F. 47 4.8
W.R.N.S. 4 .4
War Work: Munitions 3 .3
All Services 48 4.9
Openings for Women 5 .5
Miscellaneous 14 1.4
Total 374
Magazines W.R.N.S. 6 .6
W.A.A.F. 14 1.4
Article on Radiolocation 2 .2
“Woman” Magazine article 9 .9
Woman and Beauty 3 .3
x A.T.S. 26 2.6
All Services 17 1.7
Land Army 3 .3
Miscellaneous 4 .4
Picture Post 5 .5
Illustrated 1 .1
Total 90

x Including Some mentions of “Macleaning Teeth” - Commercial Advertising featuring


Unaided remembrance of relevant advertising

No. %
Radio A.T.S. 19 1.9
W.A.A.F. 10 1.0
W.R.N.S. 10 1.0
Duchess of Kent (W.R.N.S.) 9 .9
Munitions — Work in tank factory 10 1.0
“At the Armstrong’s” Wednesdays 1 .1
All Services 25 2.5
Bevin’s Talks 6 .6
Margesson’s Talks 1 .1
Land Army 2 .2
Women at War 16 27 2.7
Women’s Hour 1
Women’Forces Concert 2
Women’s Service Magazine 8
Nurses, Appeal for 2 .2
Duchess of Gloucester 1 .1
Miscellaneous 24 2.4
Total 147
Films A.T.S. 80 8.0
F.A.N.Y.S. 2 .2
Ack - Ack 4 .4
W.A.A.F. 91 9.1
W.R.N.S. 6 .6
Land Army 11 1.1
All Services 20 2.0
“Target for To-night” 32 3.2
M.O.I. Films 67 6.7
Factory work - munitions 13 1.3
Mobile Canteen 4 .4
Newsreel 17 1.7
W.T.Corps 1 .1
Miscellaneous 4 .4
Total 352
Posters A.T.S. 158 15.8
Glamour Girl “The Smart looking A.T.S.” 19 1.9
W.A.A.F. 57 5.7
W.R.N.S. 22 2.2
All Services 61 6.1
V.A.D. 2 .2
War work, munitions 8 .8
Land Army 9 .9
Uniforms 5 .5
“Girl Stepping on Train” 1 .1
N.A.A.F.I. 4 .4
Bravington’s rings and other commercial advertising) 2 .2
George VI’s letter 2 .2
Miscellaneous 6 .6
Total 356
Exhibitions In local Shop or Store 18 1.8
Civic Exhibitions 27 2.7
Total 45
Other Media Pamphlets and leaflets 11 1.1
“Are you equal to 2 German women?” 2 .2
Slogans 1 .1
Hearing people talk 2 .2
Mobile Loudspeakers 2 .2
Recruiting Parades 9 .9
Total 27

Adequacy of Information about Services

Question 15. Do you feel you have enough information about the Services to come to a decision on joining?

Of the total number of 899 women to whom this question was put, 439, or 48.8% replied in the affirmative . This represents the answers of those women unwilling, as well as more willing to join a Service or do other War Work.

Of the 686 women who replied to Question 4 that they were willing to join a Service, 325, or 54% stated they had enough information.

The error due to sampling can be put at ± 4% so that the proportion answering “Yes” to the question could be between 50% and 58%.

From this it is evident that about half of those willing to join a Service feel they have enough information to come to a decision about joining.

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