A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


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Average Nutrient Intake

Table 3 shows the comparison of the average nutrient intake per child for one week in September and March of the children taking part in the inquiry.

Table 4 compares the actual nutrient intake for a day, weighed in accordance with the age composition of the sample.

Table 3
Nutrients Nutrients
Average Intake per child for one week in September Average Intake per child for one week in March
Animal grams 250 240
Vegetable grams 300 320
Fat grams 670 600
C.H.O. grams 2,200 2,100
Calories grams 16,600 16,000
Calcium * m.grams 6,100 5,700
Iron 89 83
Vitamin A
From Cod Liver Oil I.U. 1,700 2,900
From all other sources I.U. 11,100 9,900
Carotene I.U. 9,300 8,200
Vitamin B1 I.U. 3,200 3,300
Vitamin C ** m.grams 300 250
In the above table four or five digit numbers have been adjusted to the nearest 100, and three digit numbers to the nearest 10.

* Calcium taken through water was not allowed for.

** During the March investigation, the fact that oranges were available raised the Vitamin C intake above the average level for the month.

Table 4
Average Daily Nutrient Intake for one week in September League of Nations Standard, weighted in accordance with age-composition in September sample Average Daily Nutrient Intake for one week in March League of Nations Standard, weighted in accordance with age-composition in March sample % of over-estimation in estimated diets compare with weighed diets as found experimentally. +
Calories 2,400 2,200 2,300 2,300 9
Protein (Animal & Veg.) 79 70 79 73 8
Calcium * .87 1.4 .82 1.4 8
Iron 13 13 12 13.5 12
Vit. B1 460 330 470 340 4
Vit. C ** 43 30 35 30 3
Vit. A (inc. Carotene) 3,152 3,000 3,000 3,000 6

* Calcium taken through water was not allowed for.

** During the March investigation, the fact that oranges were available raised the Vitamin C intake above the average level for the month.

+ Experiment described in detail on pages 2 and 5.

++ In this table four or five digit number were adjusted to the nearest 100 the three digit numbers to the nearest 10.

Accepting the League of Nations standard and taking account of over-estimation, the group as a whole had in September a sufficient intake in Calories, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin C, a deficiency in Calcium, and apparently a slight deficiency in Iron, Vitamin A and Protein.

In March, the intake of all nutrients with the exception of Vit. B.1 and C, is below the League of Nations standard, and the intake of Vit. C. would have been considerably lower if oranges had not been distributed during the investigation week. Calcium and iron are most deficient.

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The next table (5) shows the average food quantities eaten during the two record weeks.

Table 5
Food Quantities - Average for one week in September Food Quantities - Average for one week in March
All Meats ozs. 10 10
Soups, stews ozs 22 28
Bacon ozs 3 4
Fish ozs 3 5
Eggs ozs 1 2
Cheese ozs 2 3
Milk ozs 98 86
Milk Puddings, Custards ozs 32 24
Other Puddings ozs 11 6
Cake ozs 14 18
Bread ozs 59 63
Potatoes ozs 41 36
Chips ozs 8
Cereal ozs 2 3
Porridge ozs 12 11
Root Vegetables ozs 12 15
Greens ozs 7 5
Oranges ozs - 2
Other Fruits & Tomatoes ozs 41 4
Jam Teaspoon 12 10
Sugar Teaspoon 24 24
Sweets Teaspoon 5 2
Fat Teaspoon 7 7
Cod Liver Oil Teaspoon 1 1
Vitamin Supplements Teaspoon - 1
Sample 426 289

The differences of the food intake in September and March are very slight - more milk and fruits and tomatoes are eaten in September than in March. More soups and stews are eaten in March. This difference is mainly caused by the more frequent serving of soups and stews in schoolmeals in March as compared with September.

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Group Differences

The material was analysed by certain classification data. Where the data show any divergence from the average, they are presented in the next pages.

The results were analysed by 6 factors, food expenditure, age, by whether the mother was working or not, by whether the child took schoolmeals or not, by sex, by number in family.

The differences between the groups are not very striking and may not be statistically significant, though a definite trend appears to be present in most of them. The results are presented as average intake for one week of nutrients weighted according to age, expressed as proportion of League of Nations standard.

Table 6

Average Intake for one week of Nutrients weighted according to age expressed as proportion of League of Nations standard

Analysed by Town
September 1943 March 1944
Stoke Salford Stoke Salford
% % % %
Calories 108 106 103 97
Protein 111 112 110 107
Calcium 63 62 61 57
Iron 109 106 98 88
Vit. A. and Carotene 130 120 101 99
Vit. B. 136 135 140 133
Vit. C. 150 140 118 118
SAMPLE 173 254 116 173

For all practical purposes there is no difference between the nutrient intake of the children in the two towns, though the average for Salford is slightly lower in both investigations.

Table 7

Average Intake for one week of Nutrients weighted according to age expressed as proportion of League of Nations standard

Analysed by Sex
September 1943 March 1944
Boys Girls Boys Girls
% % % %
Calories 109 106 104 95
Protein 115 112 113 104
Calcium 63 62 61 56
Iron 106 106 98 87
Vit. A. and Carotene 122 120 99 101
Vit. B1 141 135 143 129
Vit. C. 140 140 120 117
SAMPLE 214 212 142 147

In both investigations the average intake for girls is slightly lower than it is for boys. This is more marked in the March investigation.

Table 8

Average Intake for one week of Nutrients expressed as a proportion of League of Nations standard

Analysed by Age of Child
September 1943
5 Yrs. Old 6 Yrs. Old 7 Yrs. Old 8 Yrs. Old 9 Yrs. Old 10 Yrs. Old 11 Yrs. Old 12 Yrs. Old 13 Yrs. Old
% % % % % % % % %
Calories 140 139 119 114 109 102 99 95 91
Proteins 147 148 127 125 115 111 105 99 93
Calcium 61 67 56 64 63 58 62 63 65
Iron 125 122 110 109 100 100 107 100 94
Vit. A. and Carotene * 112 135 103 132 115 110 119 128 126
Vit. B1. 167 164 158 143 141 135 133 126 119
Vit. C. 117 127 117 137 140 137 154 157 160
SAMPLE 23 45 39 59 68 40 40 82 26

* Cod Liver Oil included.

March 1944
Calories 132 113 98 105 93 96 87 95
Protein (A. + V.) 149 125 113 115 107 104 93 100
Calcium 63 59 58 56 56 59 54 63
Iron 117 97 83 93 85 92 90 96
Vit. A. and Carotene * 83 82 88 105 124 116 88 106
Vit. B1. 172 147 138 148 130 131 125 127
Vit. C. 101 103 97 121 120 131 131 128
SAMPLE 26 31 32 45 39 29 42 45

* Cod Liver Oil included.

The younger age-groups are relatively better fed than the older ones. Whether this is due to a wrong standard or due to the fact that the younger children are relatively better fed, cannot be decided here.

Table 9

Average Intake for one week of Nutrients expressed as proportion of League of Nations standard

Analysed by Mother working/not working
Mother Working (full-time or unspec.) Mother Working (part-time) Mother not Working
March 1944
% % %
Calories 97 98 101
Protein (A. + V.) 107 106 111
Calcium 59 58 58
Iron 90 92 94
Vit. A. and Carotene * 101 109 97
Vit. B1 131 133 140
Vit. C. 113 116 120
SAMPLE 73 50 159

* Cod Liver Oil included.

September 1943
Calories 101 106 112
Protein 105 111 120
Calcium 59 62 63
Iron 96 101 109
Vit. A. and Carotene * 113 117 117
Vit. B1 128 131 147
Vit. C. 130 133 137
SAMPLE 96 49 188

* Cod Liver Oil included.

Both inquiries show that the diet of those children whose mothers are not working is slightly superior to those whose mothers are working.

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Schoolmeals taken or not

Table 10

Average Intake for one week of Nutrients expressed as proportion of League of Nations standard

Analysed by School Meals/No School Meals (Weighted according to Age)
March 1944
School Meals No School Meals
% %
Calories 101 99
Protein (A. + V.) 109 108
Calcium 61 57
Iron 95 90
Vit. A. and Carotene * 107 95
Vit. B1 138 135
Vit. C. 110 124
SAMPLE 121 168

* Cod Liver Oil included.

September 1943
Calories 109 106
Protein 115 113
Calcium 64 61
Iron 109 100
Vit. A. and Carotene * 121 96
Vit. B1 142 137
Vit. C. 150 137
SAMPLE 147 279

* Cod Liver Oil included.

The children who take school meals have a slightly higher intake of nutrients, with one exception; in the March inquiry the average intake for one week of Vit. C. of the children who take school meals is lower than the average for the children who do not take them. The explanation for this is not material but methodological. In the March inquiry very extensive biochemical analyses of school meals for their Vitamin C. content were made and the values found were rather lower than those used in the September inquiry.

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Food Expenditure Group

In accordance with the wishes of the Ministry of Health, food expenditure was not classified per head, but per expenditure unit. The Ministry of Health provided us with standards (Appendix 4). These standards are based on the assumption that the cost of feeding people of different age-groups varies. The cost of a minimum diet for various age-groups was estimated: the cost of an adult male was reckoned as “one expenditure unit” and the cost coefficients of all other persons worked out according to the relative costs of their diet. The food expenditure “per expenditure unit” for each family was obtained by dividing the actual food expenditure per week by the number of food expenditure units in the family. Data on food expenditure could not be obtained accurately enough from all the families in the sample; the next table is, therefore, based on a smaller sample than the previous tables and the results are only given for the September inquiry, as the number in the different groups in the March inquiry were too small to justify statistical analysis.

Table 11

Average Intake for one week of Nutrients, expressed as proportions of League of Nations Standard (September investigation)

Analysed by Food Expenditure Group (Calcium, Vit. A. and Vit. C. Not weighted according to Age)
September 1943
Expenditure Per Head, Per Week
Less than 11/- 11/- less than 15/- 15/- less than 25/-
% % %
Calories 95 105 117
Protein (A. + V.) 103 111 123
Calcium 56 64 65
Iron 95 109 116
Vit. A. and Carotene (inc. Cod Liver Oil) 92 132 126
Vit. B 1 126 134 150
Vit. C. 113 149 152
TOTAL SAMPLE 43 124 103

The table shows that with rising food expenditure the average nutrient intake increases.

An analysis by family size does not show any clear trend, as the factors of family size and food expenditure overlap, particularly in the small families of soldiers with low food expenditure.

Average food intake by day of week

The analysis for the food intake per day was carried out only for the September inquiry.

The most interesting result of this table is that children do not eat very much more on Sundays than on other days, a fact which is contrary to the general belief that on Sunday the consumption of food is considerably greater than during the week.

Table 12*
Average Intake for one week of Nutrients - Analysed by day of the week
September 1943
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Calories (Grams) 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2300
C.H.O. (Grams) 310 320 310 310 310 310 300
Fat (Grams) 97 92 93 94 90 95 89
Protein: Animal (Grams) 38 34 35 38 35 38 31
Vegetable (Grams) 43 43 43 43 43 43 42
Calcium (M. Grams) 770 890 910 940 920 950 710
Iron (M. Grams) 14 12 13 13 13 13 13
Carotene (I.U.) 2700 1500 1600 2000 1600 1200 1600
Vit. B1 (I.U.) 510 470 440 440 450 450 450
Vit. C. (M. Grams) 56 40 36 39 41 40 41
No. of children 426 426 426 426 426 426 426

* In this table four and five digit numbers were adjusted to the nearest 100 and three digit numbers to the nearest 10.

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Discussion of Method

The dietary method described here aimed at collecting within a short time dietary records from a comparatively large sample chosen at random. In order to achieve this purpose the informants measured their food intake in simple homely measures.

The question is: whether a dietary survey using homely measures is an adequate method of estimating the nutrient intake of unselected groups of people.

The investigation revealed that out of 600 mothers selected at random, 20-25% did not complete their record, particularly mothers with young children and working mothers. In future investigations it would appear better not to use an entirely random sample but stratify by sub-groups and allow for a big enough substitute list to make good the initial loss.

Dietary investigations using the measuring method can rely on obtaining the co-operation of a fairly large number of housewives of the different strata in society.

The method was assumed to be an adequate measure of the nutrient intake of a group after a number of small experiments with students and housewives had shown that it is possible to measure fairly accurately inside a margin of 15%.

Indirect proof of the workability of the method was given by the results of the investigation.

It was to be expected that nutrient intake increases with increase in food expenditure, that due to ration allowances children would get less milk in March than in September, that the children would have the same caloric intake in March as they have in September....all these expectations were confirmed by the results.

The method, though more inaccurate than weighing in obtaining the quantitative food intake, has all the advantages of a dietary method which is based on a relatively big sample. It seems, therefore, worth while to use or at least to experiment with it in future surveys where an estimation of the nutrient intake of a group is wanted.

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