A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Index of Tables

Table Page
1. Civilian Population, England and Wales, Mid 1945 Number of persons in employment analysed by age and sex. 31
2. The estimated number of persons aged 60 and over in employment in England and Wales, Mid 1945. 31
3. Census of England and Wales, 1931 Number of persons aged 60 and over in employment analysed by age and sex. 32
4. The employment of persons aged 60 and over, analysed by status and sex. 32
5. Civilian Population Mid 1945 Number of persons employed in Urban and Rural districts analysed by age and sex. 33
6. Civilian Population, England and Wales, Mid 1945 Estimated number of persons aged 60 and over in employment in Urban and Rural areas. 33
7. Civilian Population, England and Wales, Mid 1945 The percentage of persons in employment analysed by sex, age and region. 34
8. Civilian Population in England and Wales, Mid 1945 Percentage of persons aged 60 and over in employment analysed by sex, age and economic group. 35
9. Civilian Population in England and Wales, Mid 1945 The distribution by economic group of persons aged 60 and over analysed by sex and employment and compared with distribution of all persons. 36
10. The distribution of occupations of persons aged 60 and over analysed by sex and age. 36
11. A comparison between the occupations of persons aged 60 and over and of persons aged 16-64, June 1945. 37
12. The distribution of occupations analysed by Region. 37
13. The distribution of industries in which persons aged 60 and over were engaged, analysed by sex and age. 38
14. The industrial distribution of persons aged 60 and over in Urban and Rural Districts, with a comparison of a similar grouping issued by the Central Statistical Office, of the working population, Mid 1945. 38
15. Methods of payment, analysed by sex. 39
16. The proportion of part-time and full-time workers analysed by sex. 39
17. Travelling time to work analysed by sex. 39
18. The travelling times of persons aged 60 and over, 1945 compared with those of all workers below managerial grades in Urban districts, 1943. 40
19. Total daily travelling time of persons aged 60 and over who journey to work. 40
20. Total hours spent away from home analysed by sex. 40
21. Median hours away from home in each occupation group analysed according to whether working full-time or part-time. 41
22. Reasons for working analysed by age and sex. 41
23. Reasons for working analysed by economic group 41
24. The length of time old persons wish to go on working analysed by age. 42
25. The length of time old persons wish to go on working analysed by their reasons for working. 43
26. Total number of years of working life analysed by sex. 43
27. Mean number of years worked compared with the proportions employed mid 1945 and analysed by age and sex. 45
28. A comparison of the mean number of years old persons have worked in their present occupation, with the mean number of years of their working lives analysed by their present occupation. 43
Table Page
29. The distribution of the number of years old persons have worked in their present occupation analysed according to occupation. 44
30. The distribution of the number of years old persons have worked in their present industry analysed according to industry. 44
31. The number of occupational groups through which old persons had moved during their working lives analysed by sex. 45
32. The number of industrial groups through which old persons had moved during their working lives analysed by sex. 45
33. Percentages of Males in different occupations at different ages of their working lives. 46
34. Percentages of Females in different occupations at different ages of their working lives. 47
35. Percentages of Males in different industries at different ages of their working lives. 49
36. Percentages of Females in different industries at different ages of their working lives. 49
37. Age of leaving work analysed by present age (1945) and sex. 50
38. The retiring age of old persons analysed according to their occupation. 50
39. Occupations of older persons not working but who were employed during the previous 10 years, analysed by sex, and compared with the occupations of those still working. 51
40. Industries in which old persons, who have retired, were engaged during the previous 10 years, analysed by sex and compared with the industries of those still working. 51
41. A comparison between the industrial distribution of older persons employed and retired and a similar distribution issued by the Central Statistical Office (1945) for the working population. 52
42. Reasons for leaving work analysed by age of leaving work and sex. 52
43. Proportion of persons aged 60 and over who were pensioners, analysed by age and sex, and whether working or not. 53
44. Proportion of pensioners in each economic group. 53
45. Type of pension received analysed by sex and whether working or not working. 54
46. Type of pension received analysed by economic group. 54
47. Proportion of old persons with a source of income other than a pension, analysed by whether they are pensioners or not. 55
48. Proportion of old persons not in employment with a source of income other than pensions analysed according to sex and age. 55
49. Proportions of old persons not in employment who had a source of income other than a pension analysed by status. 55
50. Source of income, other than pensions, of persons aged 60 and over analysed by sex, and whether they are working or not. 56
51. Source of income, other than pensions, of persons aged 60 and over who were not in employment, analysed by sex and age. 56
52. Source of income, other than pensions, of persons aged 60 and over analysed by economic group and whether they are working or not. 57
Table Pages
53. Source of income, other than pensions of persons aged 60 and over analysed by pensioner and non-pensioner, and whether they are working or not. 58
54. The proportion of active housewives analysed according to age group. 59
55. Percentage of persons aged 60 and over who were bedridden or housebound analysed according to age. 59
56. The floor of the house on which old persons rooms are situated analysed according to age. 59
57. The size of household, analysed by the number of old persons in household. 60
58. The proportion of old people who live alone analysed according to sex and age. 60
59. The number of households with and without older persons analysed by economic group. 61
60. The proportion of old persons who are householders analysed according to age and sex. 61
61. The number of old persons who paid for accommodation analysed according to the amount they paid each week. 62
62. The percentage of old persons paying for accommodation who received full or partial board analysed by age. 62
63. Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they occupy the whole or part of a dwelling. 62
64. Type of dwelling analysed according to the number of old persons in household. 63
65. Age of dwelling analysed according to economic group and number of old persons in household. 63
66. Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they are or are not in possession of a kitchen. 64
67. Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they are or are not in possession of a bathroom. 64
68. Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they are or are not in possession of a garden. 64

Civilian Population, England and Wales, Mid 1945

Number of persons in employment analysed by age and sex

Male Female Total
Age Total (100%) Employed Total (100%) Employed Total (100%) Employed
No. No. % No. No. % No. No. %
15-19 1,132 855 76 1,362 999 73 2,494 1,854 74
20-39 3,232 3,044 94 6,445 2,851 44 9,677 5,895 61
40-59 4,700 4,462 95 5,649 1,617 29 10,349 6,079 59
Total 9,064 8,361 92 13,456 5,467 41 22,520 13,828 61
60-64 777 632 81 1,038 170 16 1,815 802 44
65-69 626 399 64 841 95 11 1,467 494 34
70-74 549 187 34 745 34 5 1,294 221 17
75-79 258 34 13 411 4 1 669 38 6
80 and over 163 9 6 354 7 2 517 16 3
Total 2,373 1,261 53 3,389 310 9 5,762 1,571 27
Unclass. 10 10 - 13 5 - 23 15 -
Total 11,447 9,632 84 16,858 5,782 34 28,305 15,414 54

The estimated number of persons aged 60 and over in employment in England and Wales, Mid 1945. *

Age Male Female Total
No. % No. % No. %
60-64 740 50 179 52 919 50
65-69 468 32 101 31 569 32
70-74 219 15 40 12 259 14
75-79 39 3 9 3 48 3
80 and over 12 1 8 2 20 1
Total 1,478 100 337 100 1,815 100

* In Appendix E, a similar Table is shown. It was derived from two random samples carried out independently at the time of this inquiry, and agrees closely with the tables shown.


Census of England and Wales, 1931

Number of persons aged 60 and over in employment analysed by age and sex

Male Female Total
Age Total (100%) Employed Total (100%) Employed Total (100%) Employed
No. No. % No. No. % No. No. %
60-64 778 678 87 879 144 16 1,657 822 [Text Missing]
65-69 578 375 65 693 85 12 1,271 460 [Text Missing]
70-74 376 157 42 494 36 7 870 193 [Text Missing]
75 and over 318 72 23 503 19 4 821 91 [Text Missing]
Total 2,050 1,282 63 2,569 284 11 4,619 1,566 [Text Missing]

The employment of persons aged 60 and over, analysed by status and sex

Status Male Female
Not working Working Not working Working
% % % %
Married 63 79 42 25
Single 7 7 13 33
Widowed 30 14 45 41
Total (100%) 1,112 1,261 3,079 310

Civilian Population Mid 1945

Number of persons employed in Urban and Rural districts analysed by sex and age

Age Male Female Total
Total (100%) Employed Total (100%) Employed Total (100%) Employed
No. No. % No. No. % No. No. %
15-59 7,302 6,738 92 11,036 4,664 42 18,338 11,402 62
Urban 60-64 611 504 82 850 143 17 1,461 647 44
65 and over 1,231 469 38 1,850 114 6 3,081 583 19
Total 9,144 7,711 84 13,736 4,921 39 22,880 12,632 55
Rural 15-59 1,762 1,623 92 2,420 803 33 4,182 2,426 58
60-64 166 128 77 188 27 14 354 155 44
65 and over 365 160 44 501 26 5 866 186 21
Total 2,293 1,911 83 3,109 856 28 5,402 2,767 51

Age Unclassified:- Male Total 10, Employed 10. Female Total 13, Employed 5.


Civilian Population, England and Wales Mid 1945

Estimated number of persons aged 60 and over in employment in Urban and Rural areas

Age Urban Rural
Male Female Total Male Female Total
60-64 590 151 741 150 28 178
65 and over 550 128 678 188 30 218
Total 1,140 279 1,419 338 58 396

Civilian Population, England and Wales, Mid 1945

The percentage of persons in employment analysed by sex, age and region

Total Male Female
15-59 60 and over Total 15-59 60 and over Total
Region No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed
North 2,563 53 888 91 205 49 1,093 83 1,209 36 260 6 1,469 31
North East 2,328 54 746 92 194 56 940 85 1,113 40 272 8 1,385 34
North West 4,789 54 1,506 93 393 50 1,899 84 2,273 41 614 9 2,887 35
North Mid. 1,843 57 634 94 151 54 785 86 870 42 185 9 1,055 36
Wales 2,477 50 872 89 207 40 1,079 79 1,158 32 240 5 1,398 27
Midlands 2,734 58 889 94 205 53 1,094 86 1,335 45 304 11 1,639 39
East 2,239 54 711 92 209 65 920 86 1,018 38 300 10 1,318 32
London 4,192 57 1,289 93 338 55 1,627 85 2,066 46 497 10 2,563 39
South East 928 45 250 92 96 44 346 79 418 32 160 9 578 26
South 1,563 51 445 91 140 49 585 81 763 39 214 8 977 33
South West 2,649 57 834 93 235 64 1,069 87 1,233 43 343 11 1,576 36
Total 28,305 54 9,064 92 2,373 53 11,437 84 13,456 41 3,389 9 16,845 34

as unclassified for age.


Civilian Population in England and Wales, Mid 1945

Percentage of persons aged 60 and over in employment analysed by sex, age and economic group

Economic Group Age
60-64 65-69 70-74 75 and over Total
No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed No. (100%) % employed
Male Up to £3 94 43 164 22 223 13 175 3 656 17
£3 to £4 263 85 173 80 121 50 74 18 631 69
£4 to £5.10s. 251 92 169 82 112 49 80 9 612 70
£5.10s. and over 149 86 90 77 66 48 61 23 366 66
Total 757 82 596 64 522 34 390 10 2,265 54
Female Up to £3 298 12 322 7 343 3 331 2 1,294 6
£3 to £4 268 15 196 13 129 7 145 3 738 11
£4 to £5.10s. 261 17 175 13 131 5 154 1 721 10
£5.10s. and over 142 23 98 18 93 6 87 2 420 14
Total 969 16 791 11 696 4 717 2 3,173 9
Total Up to £3 392 19 486 12 566 7 506 2 1,950 9
£3 to £4 531 50 369 44 250 28 219 8 1,369 38
£4 to £5.10s. 512 54 344 47 243 26 234 3 1,333 38
£5.10s. and over 291 55 188 46 159 24 148 11 786 38
Total 1,726 45 1,387 34 1,218 17 1,107 5 5,438 28

108 Males unclassified for economic group.

216 Females unclassified for economic group.


Civilian Population in England and Wales, Mid 1945

The distribution by economic group of persons aged 60 and over analysed by sex and employment and compared with distribution of all persons

Economic Group Male Female Total Total of all persons
Working Not Working Total Working Not Working Total
% % % % % % % %
Up to £3 9 49 28 24 40 38 34 15
£3 - £4 35 17 27 26 21 22 24 26
£4 - £5.10s. 34 16 26 25 21 21 23 39
£5.10s. - £10 12 8 10 13 8 9 9 13
£10 and over 7 3 5 6 4 4 4 4
Unclassified 3 7 4 6 6 6 6 3
Total (100%) 1,261 1,112 2,373 310 3,079 3,389 5,762 40,504

The distribution of occupations of persons aged 60 and over analysed by sex and age

Occupation Male Female Total
60-64 65-69 70 and over Total 60-64 65-69 70 and over Total
% % % % % % % % %
Labouring Operatives - 21 22 21 21 - 2 - 1 17
- unskilled 6 4 1 5 3 - - 3 4
- skilled 7 7 6 7 5 4 - 3 6
- non-manufacturing 32 33 28 32 49 51 - 50 35
Clerical 6 6 5 6 6 3 - 5 6
Managerial and Supervisory 8 4 5 6 3 1 - 2 6
Professional and Technical 7 5 6 6 9 5 - 7 6
Self-employed 12 17 25 16 21 32 - 36 18
Unclassified 2 2 1 1 5 1 - 3 2
Total (100%) 632 399 230 1,261 170 95 45 310 1,571

A comparison between the occupations of persons aged 60 and over and of persons aged 16-64, June 1945

Occupation 60 and over 16-64
% %
Operative and u 62 74
Clerical 6 15
Professional and Technical Managerial and Self-employed 30 11
Unclassified 2 -
Total (100%) 1,571 1,033

The distribution of occupations analysed by Region.

Occupation North Midlands London South Total
% % % % %
Labouring 19 18 11 18 17
- unskilled 5 5 3 3 4
- skilled 7 7 6 4 6
- non-manufacturing 33 29 42 44 35
Clerical 6 4 10 5 6
Managerial and Supervisory 6 4 5 6 6
Professional & Technical 6 6 9 5 6
Self-employed 16 25 12 14 18
Unclassified 2 2 2 1 2
Total (100%) 501 494 243 333 1,571

The distribution of industries in which persons aged 60 and over were engaged, analysed by sex and age.

Industry Male Total
60-64 65-69 70 and over Total Total Female
% % % % % %
Metal manufacturing and Engineering 22 18 19 20 4 16
Woodwork, bricks, pottery, glass. 3 4 5 3 3 3
Textile and clothing 3 8 5 5 8 6
Food, drink, tobacco 4 2 1 3 2 3
Building and Contracting 8 6 5 7 - 5
Paper and Printing 2 1 4 2 - 2
Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying 12 14 17 14 2 11
Transport and Communications 11 8 1 8 - 6
Distributive and Personal Services 12 20 24 17 68 28
Water, Gas, Electricity 2 1 1 2 - 1
Commerce, Professions, Local Government 9 7 12 9 11 9
Miscellaneous 11 11 6 10 2 9
Total (100%) 352 255 137 744 187 931

The industrial distribution of persons aged 60 and over in Urban and Rural Districts, with a comparison of a similar grouping issued by the Central Statistical Office, of the working population Mid-1945.

Industry Urban Rural Total Central Statistical Office
% % % %
Manufacturing 35 15 30 45
Building and Contracting 5 6 5 4
Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying 5 34 11 11
Transport and Communications 6 7 6 8
Distributive, Commerce, Professions, Local Government 48 37 46 31
Gas, Water, Electricity 1 1 1 1
Total (100%) 734 197 931 -

Methods of payment, analysed by sex

Method Payment Sex Total
Male Female
No. % No. % No. %
Time 517 86 95 74 612 84
Piece 32 5 9 7 41 6
Bonus System 22 4 2 2 24 3
Other 10 2 11 8 21 3
Unclassified 17 3 12 9 29 4
All Employees (100%) 598 80 129 69 727 78
Own business 146 20 58 31 204 22
Total 744 100 187 100 931 100

The proportion of part-time and full-time workers analysed by sex

Hours worked weekly Male Female Total
% % %
Part-time: 10 to 30 7 28 11
Full-time: Over 30 93 72 89
Total (100%) 1,261 310 1,571

Travelling time to work analysed by sex

Travelling Time Sex Total
Male Female
No. % No. % No. %
Up to 20 minutes 335 56 54 63 389 57
21 - 40 minutes 154 26 20 24 174 25
41 - 80 minutes 46 8 5 6 51 7
Over 80 minutes 6 1 - - 6 1
Varies 48 8 1 1 49 7
Unclassified 11 2 5 6 16 2
Old People who travel (100%) 600 81 85 45 685 74
Old People who do not travel 144 19 102 55 246 26
Total 744 100 187 100 931 100

The travelling time of persons aged 60 and over, 1945, compared with those of all workers below managerial grades in Urban districts, 1943.

Travelling Time (mins.) 1945 1943
% %
Up to 20 57 49
21 to 40 25 30
41 to 80 7 17
Over 80 1 3
Varies and don’t know 7 -
Unclassified 2 -
Total (100%) 685 -

Total daily travelling time of persons aged 60 and over who journey to work

Travelling Time (mins.) Total
Up to 15 10
16 to 45 47
46 to 75 23
Over 75 11
Varies 7
Unclassified 2
Total (100%) 685

Total hours spent away from home analysed by sex

Hours away from home Sex Total
Male Female
No. % No. % No. %
Under 4 hours 3 - 7 8 10 1
Over 4 - 6 hours 9 1 12 13 21 3
Over 6 - 8 hours 33 5 17 18 50 7
Over 8 - 9 hours 55 9 10 11 65 9
Over 9 - 10 hours 130 20 19 20 149 20
Over 10 - 11 hours 202 32 8 9 210 29
Over 11 - 12 hours 93 15 5 5 98 13
Over 12 hours 57 9 3 5 60 8
Unclassified 55 9 12 13 67 9
Old persons who work away (100% 637 86 93 50 730 78
Old person working at home 107 14 94 50 201 22
Total 744 100 187 100 931 100

Median hours away from home in each occupation group analysed according to whether working full-time or part-time.

Occupation Median Hours
Full-time Part-time
Labouring 10 hrs. 27 mins. - -
Operatives, unskilled and semi-skilled 10 hrs. 30 mins. - -
Operatives, non-manufacturing 10 hrs. 14 mins. 4 hrs. 30 mins.
Clerical, Professional Managerial 9 hrs. 32 mins. - -
Self-employed 9 hrs. 40 mins. - -

Reasons for working analysed by age and sex

Reasons for working Age Sex Total
60-64 65-69 70 and over Male Female
% % % % % %
Must work 55 55 46 53 57 54
Must and prefer it 26 22 25 25 22 25
Prefer to work 17 20 28 20 18 20
Don’t know 1 - - - 1 -
Unclassified 1 3 1 1 2 1
Total (100%) 452 321 158 744 187 931

Reasons for working analysed by economic group

Reasons for working Economic Group Total
Up to £3 £3-£4 £4-£5.10s. £5.10s. and over
% % % % %
Must work 63 54 59 37 54
Must and prefer it 22 31 21 19 25
Prefer to work 14 14 18 42 20
Don’t know - - - 1 -
Unclassified 1 1 2 1 1
Total (100%) 136 316 315 140 931

24 unclassified for economic group.


The length of time old persons wish to go on working analysed by age

Length of time old person wish to go on working. Age Total
60-64 65-69 70 and over
% % % %
Always, as long as possible 40 32 43 38
As long as health permits 18 19 22 19
As long as firm allows, as long as I can get a job 9 10 8 9
Until labour shortage is less acute 1 4 3 3
Until qualified for pensions, reach pensionable age 14 2 - 7
Like to retire as soon as possible 4 11 3 6
Miscellaneous 5 8 11 7
Don’t know 8 12 8 9
No answer 1 2 2 2
Total (100%) 452 321 158 931

The length of time old persons wish to go on working analysed by their reasons for working

Length of time old persons wish to go on working. Reason for working Total
Must work Must and prefer it Prefer to work
% % % %
Always, as long as possible 38 45 32 38
As long as health permits 14 25 24 19
As long as firm allows, as long as I can get a job 10 12 6 9
Until labour shortage is less acute 2 2 5 3
Until qualified for pensions, reach pensionable age 10 4 4 7
Like to retire as soon as possible 6 - 8 6
Miscellaneous 5 2 12 7
Don’t know 11 8 7 9
Unclassified 1 2 2 2
Total (100%) 501 230 185 931

15 unclassified for reason for working.


Total number of years of working life analysed by sex

Total year worked Male Female Total
% % %
Up to 10 - 4 1
10 - 19 - 10 2
20 - 29 - 12 2
30 - 39 - 13 3
40 - 44 2 6 3
45 - 49 29 24 28
50 - 54 38 20 34
55 - 59 20 8 18
60 - 64 7 - 5
65 - 69 2 - 2
Unclassified 2 3 2
Total (100%) 744 187 931

Mean number of years worked compared with the proportions employed mid 1945 and analysed by age and sex

Age Male Female
Mean Years worked % Employed Mean Years worked % Employed
60 - 64 49 81 36 16
65 - 69 53 64 41 4
70 and over 60 24 48 4
Total 52 53 39 9

A comparison of the mean number of years old persons have been working in their present occupation, with the mean number of years of their working lives analysed by their present occupation.

Present Occupation Year in occupation Year of working life
Mean Mean
Labouring 28.5 52
Operative - skilled and unskilled 31.4 50
Operatives other than manufacturing 26.1 48
Clerical, Managerial Professional 26.2 48
Self-employed 29.5 52
All Occupations 28 50

The distribution of the number of years old persons have worked in their present occupation analysed according to occupation.

Years worked Labouring Operatives Clerical Managerial, Professional Self-employed Total
Skilled and unskilled Non-Manufacturing
% % % % % %
Up to 4 14 14 13 12 1 11
5 - 9 10 11 18 10 8 13
10 - 14 6 3 5 7 10 6
15 - 19 8 3 4 8 8 6
20 - 24 5 2 4 12 11 6
25 - 29 8 7 10 10 10 9
30 - 34 5 8 4 4 10 6
35 - 39 4 6 8 4 9 7
40 - 44 8 11 8 10 9 9
45 - 49 12 21 13 10 8 12
50 - 54 14 11 8 8 8 9
55 and over 4 3 3 2 4 3
Unclassified 2 - 2 3 4 3
Total (100%) 183 130 302 136 174 931

6 Unclassified for occupation


The distribution of the number of years old persons have worked in their present industry analysed according to industry

Years worked Manufacturing Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying Distribution and Personal Services Other Industries Total
1 % % % %
Up to 4 18 3 7 13 12
5 - 9 15 3 10 13 11
10 - 14 3 6 8 5 5
15 - 19 3 2 3 4 3
20 - 24 5 5 7 3 5
25 - 29 7 2 9 11 8
30 - 34 3 2 7 5 5
35 - 39 3 4 6 8 6
40 - 44 9 11 8 9 9
45 - 49 14 17 12 13 13
50 - 54 12 27 10 8 12
55 and over 7 15 9 6 8
Unclassified 1 3 4 2 3
Total (100%) 265 104 258 304 931
Mean 28 42 31 28 31

The number of occupational groups through which old persons had moved during their working lives analysed by sex

Number of Occupational Groups Male Female Total
% % %
1 18 37 21
2 38 36 40
3 29 11 25
4 10 1 8
5 3 - 2
6 1 - 1
Unclassified 2 4 3
Total (100%) 744 187 931

The number of industrial groups through which old persons had moved during their working lives analysed by sex

Number of Industrial Groups Male Female Total
% % %
1 30 59 35
2 32 34 32
3 22 21 18
4 7 2 6
5 5 - 4
6 1 - 1
7 2 4 3
Unclassified 2 4 3
Total (100%) 744 187 931

Percentages of Males in different occupations at different ages of their working lives.

Occupation Age
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
% % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Labouring 33 26 24 21 19 21 23 22 22 24 12 3 1 -
Operative -
unskilled - factory 20 16 8 7 8 6 6 5 5 6 3 - - -
skilled - factory 4 9 12 13 13 13 12 11 10 10 5 2 - -
other than manufacturing 28 30 32 30 26 28 27 26 26 27 13 5 1 -
Clerical 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 - -
Managerial, supervisory - 1 4 4 5 7 9 9 9 8 3 1 - -
Professional, technical 1 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 - - -
Self-employed 1 2 4 7 10 12 14 17 18 17 13 6 1 1
Unclassified 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Army, Navy, Air Force 1 8 7 9 11 5 - - - - - - - -
Unemployed - - 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 2 1 - - -
Not working, not yet reached age 8 1 - - - - - - - - 47 85 97 99
Total males giving this information (100%) 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717

For 27 males this information was incomplete.


Percentages of Females in different occupations at different ages of their working lives

Occupation Age
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
% % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Labouring 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 - - - -
Operative -
unskilled - factory 14 11 8 9 7 5 5 4 3 6 2 - - -
skilled - factory 5 8 7 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 2 1 1 -
other than manufacturing 34 39 28 24 28 32 34 35 36 42 18 5 1 1
Clerical 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 - -
Managerial, supervisory - - 2 1 - 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 - -
Professional, technical 3 7 7 5 5 6 6 7 6 6 3 1 - -
Self-employed 2 5 7 9 10 14 19 22 25 26 15 3 1 1
Unclassified - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - -
Housewife 1 17 34 40 38 30 24 18 15 5 1 - - -
Unemployed - - - - - 1 1 3 2 2 1 - - -
Not working, not yet reached age 37 9 5 4 3 3 2 1 - 54 88 97 98
Total females giving this information (100%) 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184

For 3 females this information was incomplete.


Percentages of Males in different occupations at different ages of their working lives

Industry Age
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
% % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Metal manufacturing, Industrial engineering, Chemicals 13 14 14 14 15 14 15 14 14 18 9 3 - -
Woodwork, Bricks, Pottery, Glass and other manufacturing 6 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 - -
Textile, Clothing, Leather Goods 8 8 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 4 1 - -
Food, Drink, Tobacco 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 - - -
Building, Contracting 6 10 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 8 3 1 - -
Paper, Printing 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 - -
Agriculture, Mining, Quarrying 23 19 19 18 17 17 17 17 15 14 8 3 1 -
Transport, Communication 3 7 8 85 8 9 9 9 9 9 3 - - -
Distributive, Personal Services 20 15 16 16 15 17 17 18 18 18 11 5 1 1
Water, Gas, Electricity - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 - - - -
Commerce, Professional, Local Government, Civil Defence 3 2 4 5 5 6 7 6 7 8 5 2 - -
Miscellaneous 5 13 14 16 19 13 11 13 14 12 6 1 1 -
Not working, not yet reached age 8 1 - - - - - - - - 47 82 97 99
Total males giving this information (100%) 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717

For 27 males this information was incomplete.


Percentages of Females in different industries at different ages of their working lives

Industry Age
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
% % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Metal manufacturing, Industrial engineering, Chemicals 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 - - -
Woodwork, Bricks, Pottery, Glass and other manufacturing 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -
Textile, Clothing, Leather Goods 19 21 16 13 12 12 12 11 11 12 5 3 - -
Food, Drink, Tobacco 1 - - - - - - - 1 2 - - - -
Building, Contracting - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - -
Paper, Printing 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - -
Agriculture, Mining, Quarrying 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 - - -
Transport, Communications 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Distributive, Personal Services 31 37 31 30 34 43 47 53 55 62 31 8 2 2
Commerce, Professional, Local Government, Civil Defence 2 7 6 4 5 5 8 9 10 10 4 1 - -
Miscellaneous 2 19 35 41 39 31 26 21 18 9 2 - - -
Not working, not yet reached age 37 9 5 4 3 3 2 1 - - 54 88 98 98
Total female giving this information (100%) 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184

For 3 females this information was incomplete.


Age of leaving work analysed by present age (1945) and sex

Age left Present Age Sex Total
60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80 and over Male Female
% % % % % % % %
50 - 54 7 - - - - 1 4 2
55 - 59 26 6 - - - 4 16 8
60 - 64 58 37 12 - - 25 35 28
65 - 69 - 52 51 31 - 41 23 35
70 - 74 - - 31 46 - 18 9 15
75 - 79 - - - 18 - -4 2 3
80 and over - - - - - 1 2 2
Unclassified 9 4 5 5 - 6 9 7
Total (100%) 202 236 240 82 31 516 275 791

The retiring age of old persons analysed according to their occupation

Age Occupation
Labouring and Operatives Clerical, Managerial, Supervisory, Professional, Technical, Independent Tradesman
No. Cumulative Total % No. Cumulative Total %
Up to 59 53 53 9.6 30 30 15.7
Up to 64 160 213 39.9 62 92 48.4
Up to 69 214 427 78.0 62 154 81.0
Up to 70 and over 120 547 100.0 36 190 100.0

54 Unclassified for age and occupation


Occupations of older persons not working but who were employed during the previous 10 years, analysed by sex, and compared with the occupations of those still working

Occupation Not working Working
Male Female Total
% % % %
Labouring 25 2 17 17
Operatives - unskilled 4 8 5 4
- skilled and semi-skilled 14 7 11 6
- non-manufacturing 31 55 40 35
Clerical 7 5 6 6
Managerial and Supervisory 7 2 5 6
Professional and Technical 3 15 7 6
Self-employed 8 5 7 18
Unclassified 2 1 2 2
Total (100%) 516 275 791 1,571

Industries in which old persons, who have retired, were engaged during the previous 10 years, analysed by sex and compared with the industries of those still working.

Industry Not working Working
Male Female Total
% % % %
Metal manufacturing and engineering 14 4 11 16
Woodwork, bricks, pottery 3 1 2 3
Textiles, clothing 5 12 7 6
Food, drink, tobacco 4 2 3 3
Building and Contracting 9 - 6 5
Paper and printing 2 - 2 2
Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying 17 4 13 11
Transport and Communications 11 - 8 6
Distribution, Personal Services 10 56 26 30
Water, Gas, Electricity 2 - 1 1
Commerce, Professions, Local Government 12 18 14 9
Miscellaneous 10 3 7 9
Total (100%) 516 275 791 931

A comparison between the industrial distribution of older persons employed and retired and a similar distribution issued by the Central Statistical Office (1945) for the working population

Industry Old Persons Working Population
Working Retired
% % %
Manufacturing 30 25 45
Building and Contracting 5 6 4
Agriculture, mining, quarrying 11 13 11
Transport and Communications 6 8 8
Distribution, Personal Services, Commerce, Professional 48 47 31
Gas, Water, Electricity 1 1 1
Total (100%) 931 791 -

Reasons for leaving work analysed by age of leaving work and sex

Reasons for leaving work Age of leaving work Sex Total
Up to 64 65-69 70 and over Male Female
% % % % % %
Job finished, trade slump redundant 10 9 13 11 10 11
Dissatisfied with job, hours too long 3 3 3 2 4 2
Illness, job affected health, accidents, got past work 56 44 44 47 49 48
Age, too old, dismissed because of age, retired 22 39 34 32 24 29
Wanted to be near family, needed at home 3 4 5 4 4 4
Miscellaneous 5 1 1 1 7 3
Unclassified 1 1 1 3 2 3
Total (100%) 307 276 156 516 275 791

52 unclassified for age of leaving work


Proportion of persons aged 60 and over who were pensioners, analysed by age, sex, and whether working or not

Age Not working Working Total
Total (100%) % Pensioners Total (100%) % Pensioners Total (100%) % Pensioners
Male 60-64 145 30 632 5 777 10
65-69 227 81 399 64 626 70
70-74 362 88 187 74 549 83
75-79 224 89 34 60 258 86
80 and over 154 88 9 163 86
Total 1,112 79 1,261 36 2,373 56
Female 60-64 868 46 170 55 1,038 47
65-69 746 68 95 60 841 67
70-74 711 81 34 745 81
75-79 407 78 4 78 411 79
80 and over 347 78 7 354 78
Total 3,079 67 310 60 3,389 67

Proportion of pensioners in each economic group

Economic Group Not working Working Total
Total (100%) % Pensioners Total (100%) % Pensioners Total (100%) % Pensioners
Up to £3 1,762 87 196 64 1,958 84
£3 - £4 848 67 523 46 1,371 59
£4 - £5.10s. 830 66 508 37 1,338 55
£5.10s. - £10 331 45 193 28 524 39
£10 and over 150 25 106 12 256 20
Unclassified 270 46 45 42 315 45
Total 4,191 70 1,571 41 5,762 62

Type of pension received analysed by sex and whether working or not working

Type of pension Male Female Total
Not working Working Total Not working Working Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Old Age Pension 728 83 407 90 1,135 85 1,623 78 135 73 1,758 78 2,893 81
Widow's Pension - - - - - - 354 17 44 24 398 17 398 11
Supplementary Pension 351 40 4 1 355 27 791 38 16 9 807 36 1,162 32
Blind Pension 14 2 - - 14 1 16 1 - - 16 1 30 1
Superannuation 148 17 18 4 166 12 52 3 1 - 53 2 219 6
Government Pension 83 9 36 7 119 9 57 3 3 1 60 3 179 5
Other Pensions 52 6 4 1 56 4 26 1 - - 26 1 82 2
Unclassified 6 1 5 1 11 1 14 1 1 - 15 1 26 1
No. of Pensioners (100%) 879 79 454 36 1,333 56 2,075 67 185 60 2,260 67 3,593 62
No. of Non-pensioners 233 21 807 64 1,040 44 1,004 33 125 40 1,129 33 2,169 38
Total 1,112 100 1,261 100 2,373 100 3,079 100 310 100 3,389 100 5,762 100

Type of pension received analysed by economic group

Type of Pension Economic Group Total
Up to £3 Over £3-£4 Over £4-£5.10s. Over £5.10s. Unclassified
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Old Age Pension 1,342 81 675 84 590 80 189 74 97 68 2,893 81
Widow's Pension 203 12 72 9 86 12 22 9 15 10 398 11
Supplementary Pension 752 46 178 22 168 23 34 13 30 21 1,168 32
Blind Pension 20 1 4 - 4 1 2 1 - - 30 1
Superannuation 96 6 38 5 43 6 31 12 11 8 219 6
Government Pension 71 4 40 5 40 5 13 5 15 10 179 5
Other Pensions 35 2 15 2 16 2 9 4 7 5 82 2
Unclassified 8 - 5 1 3 - 2 1 8 6 26 1
No.of Pensioners (100%) 1,652 84 805 59 738 55 255 33 143 45 3,593 62
No.of Non-pensioners 306 16 566 41 600 45 525 67 172 55 2,168 30
Total 1,958 100 1,371 100 1,338 100 780 100 315 100 5,763 100

Proportion of old persons with a source of income other than a pension, analysed by whether they are pensioners or not

Whether they have a source of income or not Pensioner Non-Pensioner Total
% % %
Yes 54 91 68
No 46 9 * 32
Total (100%) 3,593 2,169 5,762

* 2% of all persons aged 60 and over.


Proportion of old persons not in employment with a source of income other than pensions analysed according to sex and age

Age Male Female Total
No. (100%) % with other income No. (100%) % with other income No. (100%) % with other income
60-64 145 70 868 77 1,013 76
65-69 227 42 746 67 973 61
70-74 362 38 711 52 1,073 47
75-79 224 37 407 49 631 45
80 and over 154 29 347 48 501 42
Total 1,112 42 3,079 62 4,191 56

Proportions of old persons not in employment who had a source of income other than a pension analysed by status

Status Male Female Total
No. (100%) % with other income No. (100%) % with other income No. (100%) % with other income
Married 696 46 1,300 73 1,996 63
Single and Widowed 412 34 1,775 54 2,187 50
Total 1,112 42 3,079 62 4,191 56

8 unclassified for status.


Source of income, other than pensions, of persons aged 60 and over analysed by sex, and whether they are working or not

Source of Income Male Female Total Total
Working Not Working Working Not Working Working Not Working
% % % % % % %
Boarders or Lodgers 2 7 6 10 3 9 7
N.H.I., P.A., Other benefit - 16 1 6 - 8 5
Own employment 88 - 67 - 85 - 33
Husband’s/Wife’s employment 2 3 10 33 4 27 18
Allowance from son/daughter 1 7 1 8 1 8 5
Son’s employment 1 9 1 7 1 8 5
Daughter’s employment 1 10 2 10 1 10 6
Small shop, own business 11 4 25 4 14 4 8
Property 1 11 1 6 1 7 5
Investments 1 23 1 13 1 15 10
Private Income 1 16 1 11 1 12 8
Unclassified - 6 - 3 - 4 3
Total persons with another source of income (100%) 1,242 462 302 1,903 1,544 2,365 3,909
Number of persons with no other source of income 19 650 8 1,176 27 1,826 1,853
Total 1,261 1,112 310 3,079 1,571 4,191 5,762

Source of income, other than pensions, of persons aged 60 and over who were not in employment, analysed by sex and age.

Source of Income Male Female Total
60-64 65-69 70-74 75 & over Total 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 & over Total
% % % % % % % % % % %
Boarders or Lodgers 3 8 8 9 7 7 8 13 12 10 9
N.H.I., P.A., Other benefits 42 15 8 3 16 7 5 6 8 6 8
Own employment - - - - - - - - - - -
Husband’s/Wife’s employment 7 2 1 2 3 52 37 21 6 33 27
Allowance from son/daughter 3 10 8 7 7 8 10 7 4 8 8
Son’s employment 8 5 12 9 9 7 7 9 8 7 8
Daughter’s employment 6 13 15 6 10 7 11 10 11 10 10
Small shop, own business 2 5 6 4 4 3 6 5 3 4 4
Property 4 13 8 19 11 2 4 8 15 6 7
Investments 17 27 26 23 23 8 12 16 22 13 15
Private Income 17 14 13 19 16 7 9 11 22 11 12
Unclassified 11 5 5 5 6 6 3 3 1 3 4
Total persons with another source of income (100%) 102 95 137 128 462 666 500 372 365 1,903 2,365
Number of persons with no other source of income 43 132 225 250 650 202 246 339 389 1,176 1,826
Total 145 227 362 378 1,112 868 746 711 754 3,079 4,191

Source of income, other than pensions, of persons aged 60 and over analysed by economic group and whether they are working or not

Source of Income Working Not Working Total
Up to £3 £3-£4 £4-£5.10 £5.10-£10 £10 and over Total Up to £3 £3-£4 £5-£5.10 £5.10-£10 £10 and over Total
% % % % % % % % % % % % %
Boarders or Lodgers 7 4 3 2 1 3 18 6 6 2 2 9 7
N.H.I., P.A., other benefits - - - - - - 16 6 6 3 1 8 5
Own employment 92 90 82 73 76 85 - - - - - - 33
Husband’s/Wife’s employment 2 6 4 2 5 4 9 45 41 26 26 27 18
Allowance from son/daughter - 1 1 - - 1 14 5 5 3 1 8 5
Son’s employment - 1 1 - - 1 4 8 14 6 5 8 5
Daughter’s employment 2 - 1 - 1 1 12 12 9 6 3 10 6
Small shop, own business 6 9 16 26 22 14 1 4 6 9 11 4 8
Property - 1 - 4 1 9 5 4 8 8 7 5
Investments 1 1 1 2 5 1 16 11 12 26 23 15 10
Private income - - 1 2 4 1 7 7 9 10 29 12 8
Unclassified - - - - - - 5 4 4 5 5 4 3
Total persons with another source of income (100%) 189 515 504 190 103 1544 718 562 537 246 117 2365 3909
Number of persons with no other source of income 7 8 4 3 3 27 1044 286 293 85 33 1826 1853
Total 196 523 508 193 106 1571 1762 848 830 331 150 4191 5762
45 unclassified for economic group 270 unclassified for economic group

Source of income, other than pensions of persons aged 60 and over analysed by pensioner and non-pensioner, and whether they are working or not.

Source of Income Pensioner Non-pensioner Total
Working Not Working Total Working Not Working Total
% % % % % % %
Boarders or Lodgers 4 12 10 3 5 4 7
N.H.I., P.A., other benefits - 8 5 - 9 5 5
Own-employment 92 - 30 79 - 37 33
Husband’s/Wife’s employment 5 20 15 4 35 21 18
Allowance from son/daughter 1 11 7 1 4 2 5
Son’s employment 1 11 8 - 4 2
Daughter’s employment 1 15 10 1 4 2 6
Small shop, own business 11 2 5 16 6 11 8
Property - 8 5 1 7 4 5
Investments - 14 10 2 16 10 10
Private income - 5 3 2 19 11 8
Unclassified - 4 3 - 4 2 3
Total persons with another Source of income (100%) 629 1,277 1,906 915 1,088 2,003 3,909
Number of persons with no other source of income 10 1,677 1,687 17 149 166 1,853
Total 639 2,954 3,593 932 1,237 2,169 5,762

The proportion of active housewives analysed according to age group

Age Active Housewives Total (100%)
60-64 90 1,038
65-69 89 841
70-74 78 745
75-79 69 411
80 and over 48 354
Total 80 3,389

Percentage of persons aged 60 and over who were bedridden or house bound analysed according to age

Age Male Female Total
Total (100%) Bedridden Housebound Total (100%) Bedridden Housebound Total (100%) Bedridden Housebound
% % % % % %
60-64 777 - 1 1,038 - 3 1,815 - 2
65-69 626 1 2 841 1 4 1,467 1 3
70-74 549 2 4 745 1 10 1,294 2 8
75-79 258 1 7 411 4 16 669 3 13
80 and over 163 4 8 354 6 28 517 6 22
Total 2,375 1 3 3,389 2 9 5,762 2

The floor of the house on which old persons rooms are situated analysed according to age

Position of room 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80 and over Total
% % % % % %
Basement - - 1 1 - -
Ground Floor 10 12 16 21 25 14
First Floor 82 80 78 73 70 79
Second Floor 5 5 4 3 2 4
Third Floor and Higher 1 1 - - 1 1
Unclassified 2 2 1 1 1 2
Total (100%) 1,815 1,467 1,294 669 517 5,762

The size of household, analysed by the number of old persons in household

Number of all persons in household * Number of old persons in household Total Households
0 1 2 3 or more
No. No. No. No. No. %
1 298 614 - - 912 8
2 1,303 597 657 - 2,557 23
3 1,883 451 289 54 2,677 24
4 1,651 392 183 24 2,250 20
5 969 264 139 11 1,383 12
6 491 144 87 7 729 6
7 268 85 45 1 379 3
8 149 30 18 1 198 2
9 or more 150 24 16 2 192 2
Total 7,162 2,581 1,434 100 11,277 100
% 63 23 13 1 100

* Includes persons away at time of inquiry


The proportion of old people who live alone analysed according to sex and age

Age Male Female Total
No. (100%) % who live alone No. (100%) % who live alone No. (100%) % who live alone
60-64 777 3 1,038 12 1,815 8
65-69 626 4 841 13 1,467 10
70-74 549 6 745 17 1,294 12
75-79 258 9 411 18 669 15
80 and over 163 8 354 18 517 15
Total 2,373 5 3,389 15 5,762 11

The number of households with and without older persons analysed by economic group

Economic Group Households of one old person only Households of two or more old persons Households with old person and others Households with no old persons Total Households
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £3 471 77 313 44 657 24 1,004 14 2,445 22
£3-£4 54 9 165 23 728 26 1,860 26 2,807 25
£4-£5.10s. 31 5 120 17 812 29 2,845 40 3,808 34
£5.10s. and over 18 3 80 11 447 16 1,266 18 1,811 16
Unclassified 40 6 38 5 141 5 187 2 406 3
Total 614 100 716 100 2,785 100 7,162 100 11,277 100

The proportion of old persons who are householders analysed according to age and sex

Age Male Female Total
No. (100%) % householders No. (100%) % householders No. (100%) % householders
60-64 777 86 1,038 80 1,815 82
65-69 626 84 841 78 1,467 81
70-74 549 78 745 70 1,294 73
75-79 258 74 411 69 669 71
80 and over 163 61 354 59 517 60
Total 2,373 80 3,389 74 5,762 76

The number of old persons who paid for accommodation analysed according to the amount they paid each week

Amount Paid No. %
Small contribution 29 1
Up to 5/- 715 14
Over 5/- to 10/- 1,597 31
Over 10/- to 15/- 820 16
Over 15/- to 20/- 384 7
Over 20/- to 25/- 204 4
Over 25/- to 30/- 98 2
Over 30/- 136 3
Unclassified 1,232 24 *
Total who pay for accommodation (100%) 5,215 90
Total who do not pay for accommodation 547 10
Total 5,762 100

* The old persons unclassified in this respect were mainly in the upper economic group.


The percentage of old persons paying for accommodation who received full or partial board, analysed by age.

Age Total (100%) Full Board Partial Board
No. % %
60-64 1,688 5 -
65-69 1,343 7 1
70-74 1,159 10 1
75-79 590 12 1
80 and over 435 24 1
Total 5,215 9 1

Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they occupy the whole or part of a dwelling

Amount of Dwelling Occupied Households of one old person only Households of two or more old persons Households with old person and others Households with no old persons Total Households
% % % % %
Whole 61 85 90 84 84
Part 39 15 10 16 16
Total (100%) 614 716 2,785 7,162 11,277

Type of dwelling analysed according to the number of old persons in household

Type of Dwelling Number of Old Persons in Household Total Households
0 1 2 or more
% % % %
Detached 11 14 16 12
Semi-detached 29 25 25 28
Terraced 56 58 56 56
Block Flat 2 2 2 2
House Flat 2 2 1 2
Unclassified - - - -
Total(100%) 7,162 2,581 1,534 11,277

Age of dwelling analysed according to economic group and number of old persons in household

Age of Dwelling Number of Old Persons in Household according to Economic Group Total Households
Up to £3 £3 - £5.10s. £5.10s. and over Total
0 1 or more 0 1 or more 0 1 or more 0 1 or more
% % % % % % % % %
Pre 1914 78 83 67 75 48 62 65 78 69
Post 1918 22 17 32 24 51 38 34 23 30
Unclassified - - 1 1 1 - 1 1 1
Total(100%) 1,004 1,441 4,705 1,910 1,266 545 7,162 4,115 11,277

406 unclassified for economic group


Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they are or are not in possession of a kitchen

Possession Kitchen Households of one old person only Households of two or more old persons only Households with old persons and others Households with no old persons Total Households
% % % % %
Own 74 92 95 90 90
Share 15 5 3 6 6
None 11 3 2 4 4
Total (100%) 614 716 2,785 7,162 11,277

Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they are or are not in possession of a bathroom

Possession Bathroom Households of one old person only Households of two or more old persons only Households with old persons and others Households with no old persons Total Households
% % % % %
Own 18 41 46 46 44
Share 14 4 4 7 6
None 68 55 50 47 49
Total (100%) 614 716 2,785 7,162 11,277

Households with and without old persons analysed according to whether they are or are not in possession of a garden

Possession Garden Households of one old person only Households of two or more old persons only Households with old persons and others Households with no old persons Total Households
% % % % %
Own 41 63 71 63 64
Share 17 8 5 9 8
None 42 29 24 28 28
Total (100%) 614 716 2,785 7,162 11,277

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