A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Page Tables
Summary 1
1. The employment of boys in six coalfields 1-6
(i) The work done by the boys 4
(ii) Parents wishes for their boys 4
(iii) Boys wishes for themselves 5
(iv) Summary 5
2. Attitude toward coal-mining as a job
(i) The proportions who had considered coal-mining as a possible occupation 7 7-8
(ii) The advantages and disadvantages of coal-mining 7 9-21
(iii) The social standing of the coal-miner 8 22-24
(iv) Housing, social Amenities, and alternative employment 9 25-30
(v) Attitudes towards compensation for injuries 9 31-32
(vi) Summary 9
3. Attitudes toward conditions in coal-mining
(i) What is thought to be important in jobs in general 11
(ii) How coal-mining compares with other work 12 33-35
(iii) The most and the least unpleasant aspects of working conditions in coal-mining 13 36-47
(iv) The attitudes of mining fathers toward conditions in coal-mining 14 48-52
(v) Summary 15
4. The future of coal-mining
(i) The importance of coal-mining 16 53-54
(ii) What improvements might attract boys to the industry 16 55-58
(iii) Attitudes toward mechanisation 17 59-64
(iv) Attitude towards training schemes 17 65-70
(v) Attitudes towards nationalisation 18 71-85
(vi) The final opinions of parents and boys on mining as a job 19 86
(vii) Summary 19
5. Tables
A. The schedule
B. The sample
C. Mining as a hereditary job

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