A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



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Reasons for Lack of Interest

Questions were asked to study this problem from two points of view, they were: Question 10 “Is there any reason why you have never listened to them” (the 8.15 food talks) and Question 12 “Why have you given up listening to them”?

Reasons for Never listening to the Kitchen Front

Question 9 “Have you over listened to the 8.15 food talks” was answered by less housewives than were asked with the result that although there were only 629 “No” answers, the next Question 10 was answered by 695 housewives.

These answers were analysed into a number of groups about the same topics. In the breakdowns given by Class, Age, Family Size and Urban and Rural (Tables 1, 2, 4 and 5) there are seven groups but in the analysis “Without and With Children” (Table 3) a larger number of divisions has been made as this appeared appropriate.

The weighted totals show the following main points “Busy” and “Inconvenient Time” are the most important reasons for giving up listening, being 36.0% and 33.8% respectively; these results be related to other information about time in the supplement to Section 4. The only other large category is “Not Interested” with 16.2% of answers.

Breakdown by Class.

In the largest categories there are class differences; the A Class has the lowest proportion of “Busy” answers 28.6% compared with 41.5% in Class B. On the other hand A Class had 53.0% “Inconvenient Time” answers compared with Class D 23.3%. It is interesting to note that of the 186 A Class answers 53 were answers like “Too Early”,“Not up at that time”, whilst in Class D these answers were only 19 out of 142. Class D however, had a greater proportion of “Not Interested” answers 22.4% compared with 15.1% in Class A. (Table I).


“Is there any reason why you have never listened to them?”

Breakdown by Class.

A % B % C % D % Total Weighted Total %
Busy 53 28.6 58 41.5 77 33.1 50 35.2 238 716 36.0
Inconvenient time 97 52.0 55 39.3 75 33.9 33 23.3 260 674 33.8
Have to go out - - 1 0.7 6 2.6 2 1.4 9 30 1.5
Have to go out to work 3 1.6 4 2.8 25 11.0 13 9.2 45 146 7.3
Not interested 28 15.1 17 12.1 33 14.5 32 22.4 110 323 16.2
Radio out of order - - - - 3 1.3 2 1.4 5 17 0.8
Miscellanous reasons 5 2.7 5 3.6 8 3.5 10 7.1 28 89 4.5
Total 186 140 227 142 695 1,995

Breakdown by Age

This breakdown shows two marked differences; the 35 to 50 years old group have a greater proportion of “Busy” answers than the Over 50 group 38.7% compared with 30.0%, and the Over 50 group gave a much greater proportion of “Inconvenient time” answers than the Under 35 group, 43% compared with 29.4% (Table 2)


“Is there any reason why you have never listened to them?”

Breakdown by Age.

Under 35 35 - 50 Over 50 Total
% % % %
Busy 55 33.8 110 38.7 71 30.0 236 34.5
Inconvenient time 48 29.4 104 36.6 102 43.0 254 37.1
Have to go out 4 2.5 3 1.1 1 0.4 8 1.2
Have to go to work 19 11.6 18 6.3 8 3.4 45 6.6
Not interested 27 16.6 42 14.8 41 17.3 110 16.1
Radio out of order 2 1.2 1 0.4 2 0.8 5 0.7
Miscellaneous reasons 8 4.9 6 2.1 12 5.1 16 3.8
Total 163 284 237 684

Breakdown Without and With Children

This breakdown is given in detail to show that although in every sort of “Busy” answer the housewives with children have greater proportion of answers there are two categories which apply almost only to them; “Busy attending to Children - or baby” and “Busy getting Family to School or Work”. In the first case the housewives with children given 10.9% of these answers compared with 0.2% (one case) from housewives without children and in the second example the proportions are 7.6% to 1.3%. In contrast the housewives with children give a small proportion of answers to the effect that the time is inconvenient - particularly the answer “Not up Yet”! (Table 3)


“Is there any reason why you have never listened to them?”

Breakdown Without and With Children.

Without With Total
No. % No. % No. %
Busy getting Breakfast. 14 3.0 11 4.8 25 3.6
Busy attending to children. (or baby) 1 0.2 25 10.9 26 3.7
Busy getting family to school or work 6 1.3 18 7.8 24 3.4
Busy unqualified “No time” etc. 95 20.5 61 26.5 156 22.5
Busy because no maids 6 1.3 1 0.4 7 1.0
Have to go to work 38 8.2 7 3.6 45 6.5
Have to go out. (Miscellaneous reasons) 8 1.7 1 0.4 9 1.3
Radio switched off before Kitchen Front 3 0.6 1 0.4 4 0.6
Know enough about cooking already 23 4.9 4 1.7 27 3.9
Not interested 35 7.5 20 8.7 55 7.9
Don’t like it 9 1.9 1 0.4 10 1.4
Inconvenient time 92 19.8 35 15.2 127 18.2
Too early 57 12.2 19 8.3 76 11.0
Members of family on night shift sleeping 3 0.6 2 0.9 5 0.7
Not up yet 46 9.9 6 2.6 52 7.5
Did not know about talks 8 1.7 6 2.6 14 2.0
Radio out of order 3 0.6 2 0.9 5 0.7
Miscellaneous reasons 19 4.1 9 3.9 28 4.0
Total 466 229 695

Breakdown by Family Size

In this breakdown “Busy” answers are the greatest proportion in families with 5 mouths, 48.7% “Inconvenient Time” in families with 3 mouths 42.4% and “Not interested” in families with 2 mouths. These figures form an interesting complement to the results obtained from the breakdown by Class and Without and with Children. (Table 4).


“Is there any reason why you have never listened to them?”

Breakdown by Mouths.

1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 or over % Total %
Busy - - 34 25.2 58 27.7 58 38.6 37 48.7 17 37.8 30 53.5 234 34.4
Inconvenient time 3 33.3 51 37.8 89 42.4 56 37.4 23 30.2 19 42.2 14 25.0 255 37.4
Have to go out - - 3 2.2 4 1.9 1 0.7 1 1.3 - - - - 9 1.3
Have to go to work 4 44.4 10 7.4 19 9.0 7 4.7 1 1.3 1 2.2 1 1.8 43 6.3
Not interested 1 11.1 28 20.8 32 15.2 24 16.0 11 14.5 3 6.7 9 16.1 108 15.9
Radio out of order - - 1 0.7 1 0.5 1 0.7 - - 1 2.2 1 1.8 5 0.7
Miscellaneous reason 1 11.1 8 5.9 7 3.3 3 2.0 3 4.0 4 8.9 1 1.8 27 4.0
Total 9 135 210 150 76 45 56 681

Urban and Rural Breakdown .

There are no very clear differences in this analysis except that Rural housewives give a greater proportion of “Busy” answers than Urban, 42.5% compared with 33%. It should be noted however that the smallness of the rural sample makes these results of doubtful value. (Table 5).


“Is there any reason why you have never listened to them?”

Breakdown Urban and Rural.

Urban % Rural % Total %
Busy 205 33.0 28 42.5 233 33.9
Inconvenient time 235 37.8 24 36.4 259 37.7
Have to go out 9 1.4 - - 9 1.3
Have to go to work 44 7.1 1 1.5 45 6.6
Not interested 97 15.7 11 16.6 108 15.7
Radio out of order 4 0.6 1 1.5 5 0.7
Miscellanous reasons 27 4.3 1 1.5 28 4.1
Total 621 66 687

Reasons for Giving up listening to the Kitchen Front Programme.

Question 12 was asked of those housewives who answered “No” to Question 11 “Do you still listen to them” (the 8.15 food talks). As in the case of Question 9 this question was answered by a less number of housewives than those to whom it applied with the result that although there were only 365 “No” answers to Question 11, 433 answers were obtained to Question 12.

These answers show a somewhat similar composition to those of Question 10, the two largest groups being “Too busy” and “Time inconvenient” 34.7% and 23.7% respectively of the weighted total.

The further breakdown by Class, Age and Without and With Children show similar features in the two large groups to those of Question 10. (Tables 6, 7 and 8). (Further breakdowns by Fuel, Family Size and Region are omitted as the numbers in the categories are too small to be meaningful.


“Why have you given up listening to them?”

Breakdown by Class.

A B C D Total Weighted Total.
Too busy 34 42.0 28 38.4 60 34.1 33 32.0 155 458 34.9
Inconvenient time 23 28.4 20 27.4 44 25.0 19 18.5 106 3 11 23.7
At work at that time 1 1.2 - - 4 2.3 7 6.8 12 41 3.1
Cannot obtain food for recipes - - 1 1.4 3 1.7 - - 4 13 1.0
Recipes unhelpful 5 6.2 5 6.8 7 4.0 5 4.9 22 66 5.0
Too elaborate - - 1 1.4 3 1.7 - - 4 13 1.0
Not interested 7 8.6 5 6.8 11 6.2 9 8.7 32 96 7.3
Knows all about cooking - - 3 4.1 9 5.1 4 3.9 16 55 4.2
Radio out of order 7 8.6 7 9.6 22 12.5 23 22.3 59 193 14.7
Miscellaneous reasons 4 5.0 3 4.1 13 7.4 3 2.9 23 67 5.1
Total 81 73 176 103 433 1,313

“Why have you given up listening to them?”

Breakdown by Age.

Under 35 35 - 50 Over 50 Total
Too busy 49 38.2 73 39.7 29 25.9 151 35.6
Inconvenient time 29 22.6 50 27.2 27 24.2 106 25.0
At work at that time 7 5.5 4 2.2 1 0.9 12 2.8
Cannot obtain food for recipes 3 2.3 1 0.5 - - 4 0.9
Recipes unhelpful 7 5.5 4 2.2 10 8.9 21 5.0
Too elaborate 2 1.6 1 0.5 2 1.8 5 1.2
Not interested 11 8.6 11 6.0 10 8.9 32 7.5
Know all about cooking 1 0.8 6 3.3 9 8.0 16 3.8
Radio out of order 18 14.1 22 11.9 15 13.4 55 13.0
Miscellaneous reasons 1 0.8 12 6.5 9 8.0 22 5.2
Total 128 184 112 424

“Why have you given up listening to them?”

Breakdown by Children.

With Without Total
Too busy 70 29.0 85 44.0 155 35.6
Inconvenient time 59 24.4 47 24.4 106 24.4
At work at that time 7 2.9 5 2.6 12 2.7
Cannot obtain food for recipes 1 0.4 3 1.6 4 0.9
Recipes unhelpful 15 6.2 7 3.6 22 5.1
Too elaborate 5 2.1 - - 5 1.2
Not interested 22 9.1 11 5.7 33 7.6
Know all about cooking 13 5.4 3 1.6 16 3.7
Radio out of order 35 14.4 24 12.4 59 13.6
Miscellaneous reasons 15 6.2 8 4.1 23 5.3
Total 242 193 435

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