A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


The Size and Composition of the Kitchen Front Audience.

This section is divided into two parts, the first deals with the percentage of housewives listening:

(i) on the day of interview,

(ii) not on the day of interview, but who have not given up. and the percentage of housewives who have :

(iii) given up listening

and (iv) who have never listened.

The second analyses the listeners into groups according as they listen :

(i) Regularly

(ii) Fairly Often

(iii) Occasionally.

Part I .

Housewives listening on the day of interview.

The total of 268 housewives who listened on the day of interview when weighted to the correct class proportions is 11.6% of those interviewed.

A further analysis has been made under the following headings, Class, Age, Without and With Children, Family Size and by Urban and Rural.

These breakdowns show small differences, the chief of which are :

  1. (i) D Class housewives listen more than other classes.

  2. (ii) Housewives with children more than those without.

  3. (iii) Rural housewives listen more than Urban.

(Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).


“Housewives listening to the Kitchen Front on the day of the Interview”.

Breakdown by Class.

Class Housewives Listening No. Interviewed.
No. %
A 41 8.1 505
B 45 8.9 505
C 117 9.2 1,209
D 85 10.9 778
Total 268 8.9 2,998
Weighted Total 912 11.6 7,858

“Housewives listening to the Kitchen Front on the day of the Interview”.

Breakdown by Age.

Age Housewives Listening No. Interviewed
No. %
Under 35 59 8.0 738
35 - 50 123 9.4 1,312
Over 50 77 8.1 865
Total 259 2,915

“Housewives listening to the Kitchen Front on the day of the Interview”.

Breakdown by Without and With Children.

Housewives Listening No. Interviewed
No. %
Without children 125 6.9 1,794
With children 141 11.6 1,210
Total 266 3,004

“Housewives listening to the Kitchen Front on the day of the Interview”.

Breakdown by Family size.

No. of Mouths Housewives Listening No. Interviewed
No %
1 - - 17
2 66 10.8 609
3 71 8.6 825
4 63 8.8 720
5 31 9.4 329
6 13 6.1 214
7 and over 14 6.0 232
Total 258 2,946

“Housewives listening to the Kitchen Front on the day of the Interview”.

Breakdown by Urban and Rural.

Housewives Listening No. Interviewed
No %
Urban 227 8.7 2,593
Rural 40 10.1 396
Total 267 2,989

The proportions of those housewives who did not listen on the morning of the interview, who still listen and who have given up listening.

In order to obtain this information housewives, other than those who had never heard the Kitchen Front Programme, were asked Question 11 “Do you still listen to them” (The Kitchen Front Talks).

There were 1,744 answers to this question out of a possible 2,000 housewives to whom the question might have applied so that the numerical answers are under-rated, there is reason, however, to believe that the proportions arc substantially correct.

Basing these results on the number of housewives who, although not listening on the morning of the interview, had at some time heard the programme , it will be seen that 79.7% of the housewives still listen whilst 20.3% had given up (weighted figures) (Table 6). The proportion of housewives still listening expressed as a proportion of all housewives not listening on the morning of the interview is 48.4% (weighted figure).

Breakdown by Class.

This analysis shows a considerable difference between the classes as well as a trend from A class to D. The proportions who still listen are 68.5% A Class, 77.3% B Class, 80.5% C Class, 81.5% D Class (these are 35.6%, 48.1%, 55.4% and 56.6% of all housewives who did not listen on the morning of the interview respectively). (Table 6)


“Do you still listen to them?”

Breakdown by Social Class.

Class Yes No Total
No. % No. %
A 162 68.5 73 31.5 235
B 218 77.3 64 22.7 282
C 597 80.5 145 19.5 742
D 399 81.5 91 18.5 490
Class Omitted 3 2 5
Total 1,379 79.2 365 20.8 1,744
Weighted Results 4,421 79.7 1,128 20.3 5,549

Breakdown by Age.

It is interesting to note that the proportion of housewives still listening increases with age; the proportions being Under 35, 74.6%; 35 to 50 78.8%; over 50 80.4% (These being 51.7%, 51.6%, and 49.2% of all housewives not listening on the morning of the interview). (Table 7)


“Do you still listen to them?”

Breakdown by Age.

Yes No.
No. % No. % Total
Under 35 340 74.6 110 24.4 450
35 - 50 614 78.8 163 21.2 777
Over 50 381 80.4 93 19.6 474
Total 1,335 78.5 366 21.5 1,701

Breakdown Without and With Children.

There is no important difference in these two groups, the proportions being 78.3% without and 79% with children. (These are 49.5% and 53.3% of all housewives not listening on the morning of interview). (Table 8).


“Do you still listen to them?”

Breakdown Without and With Children.

Yes No Total
No. % No. %
Without 785 78.3 218 21.7 1,003
With 594 79.0 158 21.0 752
Total 1,379 78.5 376 21.5 1,755

Breakdown by Family Size.

There are only small differences in the groups in this analysis. (Table 9).


“Do you still listen to them?”

Breakdown by Mouths.

No. of Mouths Yes No. Total
No. % No. %
1 5 71.4 2 28.6 7
2 271 75.7 86 24.3 357
3 362 78.3 100 21.7 462
4 356 81.1 83 18.9 439
5 151 79.6 38 20.4 189
6 107 79.8 27 20.2 134
7 and over 105 76.6 32 23.4 137
Total 1,357 78.6 368 21.4 1,725

Breakdown by Fuel.

There are small differences in the most important groups, those housewives using more than one sort of fuel having 81.4% still listening as compared with 74.8% of those housewives using electricity. (Table 10).


“Do you still listen to them?”

Breakdown by Fuel.

Yes No Total
No. % No. %
Electricity 125 74.8 42 25.2 167
Gas 587 78.3 163 21.7 750
Oil 7 70.0 3 30.0 10
Slow Combustion 1 25.0 3 75.0 4
Coal or Coke 167 76.2 52 23.8 219
More than one sort of fuel 490 81.4 112 18.6 602
Total 1,377 78.6 375 21.4 1,752

Breakdown by Region.

The numbers in the regional samples are in most cases too small to give reliable results so that the results of this analysis should be regarded with caution. (Table 11).


“Do you still listen to them?

Breakdown by Region.

Region Yes No Total
No. % No. %
Scotland Urban 65 55.5 52 44.5 117
Rural 13 54.3 11 45.7 24
S. Wales Urban 103 88.0 14 12.0 117
Rural 12 66.7 6 33.3 18
East Urban 38 64.5 20 34.5 58
Rural 18 53.0 16 47.0 34
Midland Urban 142 80.6 34 19.4 176
Rural 11 64.6 6 35.4 17
N. Midland Urban 66 74.2 23 25.8 89
Rural 29 57.0 22 43.0 51
N. East Urban 212 83.1 43 16.9 255
Rural 35 97.2 1 2.8 36
N. West Urban 201 90.5 21 9.5 222
Rural 16 100.0 - - 16
S.E. & London Urban 247 85.2 43 14.8 290
Rural 6 45.1 7 54.9 13
South Urban 43 61.4 27 38.6 70
Rural 10 62.5 6 37.5 16
S. West Urban 82 86.3 13 13.7 95
Rural 22 73.3 8 26.7 30
Total 1,371 373 1,744

The Percentage of Housewives who have never listened.

There were some 2,487 answers to Question 9 “Have you ever listened to the 8.15 food talks” out of a possible 2,690 housewives who did not listen on the morning of the interview so that the numbers are somewhat less than they should be. An examination of the proportions of the classes and other groups in the sample, however, shows that these are approximately in the same proportions as the total.

The weighted totals show that of all housewives who did not listen on the morning of the interview 22.3% have never listened.

These figures have been further analysed by Class, Age, Without and With Children, by Fuel and by Region and the following are the more important facts that emerge. The proportion of those who have never listened, is highest in Class A and lowest in Class D, 41.8% compared with 19.4%, is highest in those over 50 compared with the lower age groups 30.7% compared with 23.4% and 23.3% and is highest in small families compared with large. This proportion is likewise higher among housewives using gas and electricity compared with those using coal and coke and more than one sort of fuel and is much higher amongst housewives without children than those with, 29.3% compared with 19.2%. (Tables 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16). A Regional Breakdown is also give. (Table 17)


“Have you ever listened to the 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Class.

Class Yes No Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No. %
A 247 58.2 178 41.8 425
B 293 69.9 124 29.6 2 0.5 419
C 785 79.3 199 20.2 6 0.6 990
D 515 79.9 120 19.4 4 0.6 647
Total 1,840 74.2 629 25.3 12 0.5 2,481
Weighted Results 5,834 76.3 1,783 23.3 22 0.3 7,659

“Have you ever listened to the 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Age.

Age Yes No Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No. %
Under 35 471 76.4 144 23.3 2 0.3 617
35 - 50 827 76.1 255 23.4 5 0.5 1,087
Over 50 491 68.7 219 30.7 5 0.7 715
Total 1,789 74.0 618 25.6 12 0.4 2,419

“Have you ever listened to the 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown Without and With Children.

Yes No Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No. %
Without 1,043 70.3 435 29.3 6 0.4 1,484
With 803 80.2 194 19.2 6 0.6 1,003
Total 1,846 74.3 629 25.3 12 0.5 2,487

“Have you ever listened to the 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Number of Mouths.

No. of Mouths Yes No Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No. %
1 7 43.7 9 56.3 16
2 364 72.6 135 26.8 3 0.6 502
3 481 70.6 197 28.8 4 0.6 682
4 462 76.9 138 22.9 1 0.2 601
5 200 75.7 62 23.6 2 0.8 264
6 145 79.3 36 19.6 2 1.1 183
7 and over 151 73.5 42 20.5 12 5.9 205
Total 1,810 73.8 619 25.2 24 1.0 2,453

“Have you ever listened to the 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Fuel.

Fuel Yes No Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No. %
Electricity 186 72.9 68 26.7 1 0.4 255
Gas 792 71.0 319 28.6 4 0.4 1,115
Oil 11 73.3 14 26.7 - - 15
Slow Combustion 6 54.6 5 45.4 - - 11
Coal or Coke 223 77.9 61 21.4 2 0.7 286
More than one sort of fuel 623 78.2 169 21.2 5 0.6 797
Total 1,841 74.3 626 25.2 12 0.5 2,479

“Have you over listened to the 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Region

Region Yes No Don’t Know Total
No. % No. % No %
Scotland Urban 125 59.3 84 40.2 1 0.5 209
Rural 25 92.5 2 7.5 - 27
S. Wales Urban 117 78.5 32 21.5 - 149
Rural 19 86.4 2 9.1 1 4.5 22
East Urban 58 66.7 26 29.9 3 3.4 87
Rural 37 77.1 10 20.8 1 2.1 48
Midland Urban 190 83.3 38 16.7 - 228
Rural 23 82.1 5 17.9 - 28
N. Midland Urban 87 81.4 20 18.6 - 107
Rural 51 82.4 8 12.9 3 4.7 62
N. East Urban 258 74.7 87 25.3 - 345
Rural 41 85.4 7 14.6 - 48
N. West Urban 228 71.4 91 28.6 - 319
Rural 16 75.0 4 25.0 - 20
S.E. & London Urban 316 73.8 112 26.2 - 428
Rural 12 63.1 6 31.6 1 5.3 19
South Urban 72 56.4 56 43.6 - 128
Rural 16 69.5 7 30.5 - 23
S. West Urban 115 80.9 26 18.3 1 0.7 142
Rural 31 86.1 5 13.9 - 36
Total 1,736 73.0 628 26.5 11 0.5 2,375


The Percentage of All Listener who listen Regularly, Fairly Often and Occasionally.

Question 13 “How frequently do you listen to these 8.15 Food Talks” was asked of all housewives except those who had never listened or who had given up listening and it was answered by 1,720 out of approximately 1,938 possible subjects.

The answers were pre-coded into three groups, e.g.

(i) Regularly (Several times a week)

(ii) Fairly Often (About once a week)

and (iii) Occasionally (Less than once a week)

This arrangement is a rough one and it appears likely that if anything housewives tend to over rather than under estimate the amount of listening.

The proportions for the weighted totals in the three groups of answers, Regularly 48.8%, Fairly Often 20.0% and Occasionally 31.2%.

In the further breakdowns by Class, Age, Without and With Children, Size of Family, Fuel and Region there are a few differences of which the following are perhaps the most interesting. The proportion of regular listeners is highest in Class D, although lowest in Class C; is higher among housewives with children than those without and there is a tendency for the proportion of regular listeners to be higher in medium size families compared with larger or smaller ones. (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)


“How frequently do you listen to these 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Social Class.

Class Regularly Fairly Often Occasionally Total
No. % No. % No. %
A 101 44.3 47 20.6 80 35.1 228
B 124 46.2 46 17.2 98 36.6 268
C 380 39.0 150 19.4 244 31.6 774
D 258 50.2 114 22.2 142 27.6 514
Total 863 48.3 357 20.1 564 31.6 1,784
Weighted Totals and Percentages 2,769 48.8 1,137 20.0 1,772 31.2 5,678

“How frequently do you listen to these 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Age.

Regularly (Several times a week Fairly Often (About once a week) Occasionally (Less than once a week) Total
No. % No. % No. %
Under 35 216 48.0 84 19.0 143 33.0 443
Over 35 & Under 50 392 49.5 144 18.2 256 32.3 792
Over 50 230 47.4 103 21.2 152 31.4 485
Total 838 48.6 331 19.3 551 32.1 1,720

“How frequently do you listen to these 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by With or Without Chidlren.

Regularly Fairly Often Occasionally Total
No. % No. % No. %
Without 464 46.2 206 20.2 335 33.6 1,005
With 399 50.8 154 19.8 230 29.4 783
Total 863 48.3 360 20.1 565 31.6 1,788

“How frequently do you listen to these 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Family Size.

No. of Mouths Regularly Fairly Often Occasionally Total
No. % No. % No. %
1 3 50.0 - - 3 50.0 6
2 155 46.3 69 20.6 111 33.1 335
3 213 45.4 102 21.8 154 32.8 469
4 236 50.7 98 21.1 131 28.2 465
5 109 53.1 39 19.1 57 27.8 205
6 67 49.2 24 17.7 45 33.1 136
7 33 50.0 11 16.6 22 33.1 66
8 22 55.0 7 17.5 11 27.5 40
More than 8 13 36.1 6 16.7 17 47.2 36
Total 851 48.4 356 20.2 551 31.4 1,758

“How frequently do you listen those 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Fuel.

Fuel Regularly Fairly Often Occasionally Total
No. % No. % No. %
Electricity 88 51.5 20 11.7 63 36.8 171
Gas 385 48.5 145 18.2 265 33.3 795
Oil 4 40.0 1 10.0 5 50.0 10
Slow Combustion 3 60.0 1 20.0 1 20.0 5
Coal or Coke 101 50.3 37 18.4 63 31.4 201
More than one sort of fuel 281 46.8 153 25.5 166 27.7 600
Total 862 48.4 357 20.0 563 31.6 1,782

“How frequently do you listen those 8.15 Food Talks?”

Breakdown by Region.

Region Regularly (Several times a week Fairly Often (About once a week) Occasionally (Less than once a week) Total
No. % No. % No. %
Scotland Urban 37 42.0 17 19.3 34 38.7 88
Rural 10 66.7 2 13.3 3 20.0 15
S. Wales Urban 92 76.7 16 13.3 12 10.0 120
Rural 4 28.6 3 21.4 7 50.0 14
East Urban 34 57.6 7 11.9 18 30.5 59
Rural 17 62.9 2 7.4 8 29.7 27
Midland Urban 73 36.4 52 25.8 76 37.8 201
Rural 6 31.6 4 21.0 9 47.4 19
N. Midland Urban 31 43.7 29 40.8 11 15.2 71
Rural 19 57.5 5 15.3 9 27.2 33
N. East Urban 140 56.6 46 18.6 61 24.8 247
Rural 23 52.2 8 18.2 13 29.6 44
N. West Urban 91 40.1 31 13.7 105 46.2 227
Rural 8 42.1 1 5.3 10 52.6 19
S.E. & London Urban 114 33.2 112 32.8 116 34.0 342
Rural 10 71.3 2 14.3 2 14.3 14
South Urban 36 72.0 5 10.0 9 18.0 50
Rural 10 83.3 - - 2 16.7 12
S. West Urban 74 69.8 7 6.6 25 23.3 106
Rural 7 25.0 2 7.2 19 67.8 28
Total 836 48.2 351 20.2 549 31.6 1,736

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