A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



41 45 46 47 51 52


The Preferences of Housewives for Speakers.

Four questions were asked in order to find out the likes and the dislikes of housewives for the speakers in the Kitchen Front Broadcast, they were :-

Question 14 - “Which speakers do you prefer?”

Question 15 - “What do you like about them?”

Question 16 - “Which do you not like?”

Question 17 - “Why?”

There were 1,404 housewives who expressed a preference and of these 479 also expressed a second preference. These results have been analysed by speaker and are given in Tables 1 and 3. The reasons for these preferences have also been analysed by speaker and are given in Tables 2 and 4.

A smaller number of housewives, 988 answered question 16 and of this total 635 answered the question by saying that there were no speakers that they disliked.

The answers to this question and question 17 giving the reasons for their dislikes are analysed in Tables 5 and 6.


First choice of Speakers.

Name. Individuals. No. of times given. Rating.
Freddie Grisewood 422 1
Mrs. Ingillson. “Yorkshire Woman” 56 2
Mrs. Jean Scott. “Scotch Women” 54 3
S.P.B. Mais 48 4
Ambrose Heath. “London Chef”. “Man with drawling voice. 40 5
The Doctor 40
Jeanne de Casalis. “French Woman” 38 7
Aggie. Mrs. Wilkes. “Lady from Pub”, “The Cockney”, “London Woman”. 25 8
Elizabeth Craig 22 9
Gert and Daisy 18 10
Bruce Blunt. “Man with housekeeper” 13 11
“North Country” Woman 12 12
Mrs. Webb 8 13
Mrs. Jones. “Welsh Woman” 7 14
Quentin Reynolds 5
Radio Food Advice Centre. (Nunna Davy) 5
English Woman 4 17
Lancashire Woman 3 18
Indian Woman 2 19
Lady Doctor 2
Vic Oliver 2
The Monk 2
Irish Woman 1 23
Miss Monkham. Domestic Science Teacher 1
Janet Chance 1
Syd Walker 1
Hilton Brown 1
Those who given practical recipes and instructive talks. 10 1
Housewives. (Unspecified) 9 2
Humorous Speakers. (Unspecified) 8 3
Clear Speakers. 1 4
All. “Like all of them” 189 1
Cannot remember names 148 2
“Woman”, “Women”, “Lady” “prefers women” (Unspecified) 97 3
“Man”, “Men”, “Gentlemen”, “prefers men” (Unspecified) 55 4
Not identified. 54 5
Total answers 1,404

Reasons for liking first choice of Speaker .

Ratting Name Reason No. Total
1 Grisewood No answer 62 422
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 42
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 56
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 25
Good (General) 22
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 60
Cheery, light, comic, funny, Humorous jokes. 28
Interesting 14
Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 6
Fine voice (only) 13
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 53
Nature, easy way of talking. 15
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 12
Miscellaneous 8
2 Mrs. Ingillson No answer 5 56
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 13
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 6
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 13
Good (General) 7
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 1
Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 2
Nice voice(only) 1
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 6
3 Mrs. Jean Scott No answer 9 54
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 8
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 7
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 8
Good (General) 2
Scotch 3
Cheery, light, comic, funny, humorous jokes. 1
Interesting 1
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 5
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, (e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 10
4 S.P.B. Mais No answer 4 48
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 4
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good (General) 1
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 9
Cheery, light, comic, funny, humorous, jokes. 14
Interesting 2
42 Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 1
Nice voice. (only) 3
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 5
Nature, easy way of talking. 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones “great on soup”. 1
Miscellaneous 1
5a Ambrose Heath No answer 6 40
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 6
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 3
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 5
Good (General) 6
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 1
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous. 1
Interesting 1
Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 4
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 5
5b The Doctor No answer 10 40
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 9
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good (General) 1
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 2
Interesting 2
Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 3
Miscellaneous 1
7 Jeanne de Casalis No answer 4 38
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 4
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 3
Good (General) 3
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 6
Cheery, light, comic, funny, humorous, jokes. 2
Interesting 3
Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 4
Nice voice (only) 2
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 3
Nature, easy way of talking. 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 2
8 Aggie (Mrs. Wilkes) No answer 3 25
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 3
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 6
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 6
Good (General) 2
Cheery, Amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 1
Cheery, light, comic, humorous, funny, jokes. 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 2
9 Elizabeth Craig No answer 1 22
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 6
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 2
Good (General) 1
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous. 1
Interesting. 1
Knows his job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 3
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 4
10 Gert & Daisy No answer 2 18
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good (General) 4
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 2
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous. 5
Interesting 2
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 1
Miscellaneous 1
11 Bruce Blunt Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 3 13
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 3
Good (General) 2
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 1
Nature, easy way of talking. 2
Miscellaneous 2
12 “North Country” woman. No answer 1 12
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 3
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 2
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good (General) 1
Interesting 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 3
13 Mrs. Webb No answer 3 8
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 3
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
44 14a Mrs. Jones No answer 4 7
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Nature, easy way of talking. 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 1
14b Quentin Reynolds Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 2 5
Nice voice (only) 1
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 1
Miscellaneous 1
14c Radio Food Advice Centre (Nuna Davy) Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 3 5
Good (General) 1
Nice voice (only) 1
17 English Woman No answer 1 4
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 1
18 Lancs. Woman Good (General) 2 3
Interesting 1
19a Indian Woman Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 1 2
Miscellaneous 1
19b Lady Doctor Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1 2
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
19c Vic Oliver Cheery, light, comic, funny, humorous, jokes. 2 2
19d The Monk No answer 1 2
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 1
23a Irish Woman Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1 1
23b Miss Monkham (Domestic Science Teacher) Knows her job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1 1
23c Janet Chance Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 1 1
23d Syd Walker No answer 1 1
23e Hilton Brown Practical, commonsense, useful sensible. 1


Rating Name Reason No. Total
1 Those who given practical recipes and instructive talks. No answer 3 10
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 3
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Know their job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate. 1
Miscellaneous 1
2 Housewives (Unspecified) No answer 3 9
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 3
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know 1
Good (General) 1
Know their job, trained, experienced instructive, appropriate 1
3 Humorous Speakers (Unspecified) No answer 5 8
Good (General) 1
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes, and useful at the same time 1
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous. 1
4 Clear Speakers No answer 1 1

Second choice of Speakers.

Name Individuals. No. Rating.
Freddie Grisewood 89 1
Mrs. Jean Scott. “Scotch Woman” 48 2
S.P.B. Mais 3
Aggie. Mrs. Wilkes. “Lady from Pub”, “The Cockney”, “London Woman”.. 38 4
The Doctor 33 5
Mrs. Ingillson, “Yorkshire Woman” 32 6
Ambrose Heath. “London Chef”. “Man with drawling voice 21 7
Gert and Daisy 20 8
Jeanne de Casalis. “French Woman” 19 9
Elizabeth Craig 17 10
“North Country” Woman 11 11
Bruce Blunt. “Man with housekeeper” 9 12
Mrs. Webb 5 13
Radio Food Advice Centre. (Nunna Davy) 3 14
Lady Doctor 3
Vic Oliver 3
Mrs. Harriman, “American Woman” 3
Quentin Reynolds 2 18
Mrs. Jones. “Welsh Woman” 1 19
Lancashire Woman 1
Irish Woman 1
Janet Chance 1
Russian Woman 1
The Dutchman 1
The Unemployed Man 1
Film Star (female) 1
Housewives. 5 1
Clear Speakers 3 2
Those who given practical recipes and instructive talks 1 3
Not identified. 21 1
“Woman”, “Women”, “Lady” “Prefers women” (unspecified) 18 2
All. “Like all of them” 10 3
“Man”, “Men”, “Gentlemen”, “Prefers men” (unspecified) 9 4
Cannot remember names 6 5
Total 479

Reasons for liking second choice of Speaker

Ratting Name Reason No. Total.
1 Grisewood No answer 14 89
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 6
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 9
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 2
Good (General) 8
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 8
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous 13
Interesting 2
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 4
Nice manner, way of talking (only) 9
Nature, easy way of talking 3
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 7
Miscellaneous 4
2 Jean Scott No answer 13 48
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 8
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 4
Homely, economical, everyday, suit working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 5
Scotch 2
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time 1
Interesting 2
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup” 11
Miscellaneous 1
3 S.P.B. Mais No answer 7 42
Practical, commonplance, useful, sensible 1
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 5
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good (General) 3
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes, useful at the same time. 10
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous 7
Interesting 3
Nice manner, way of talking 4
Miscellaneous 1
4 Aggie (Mrs. Wilkes) No answer 7 38
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 6
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 3
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 10
Good (General) 1
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 3
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous 2
Knows his job, experienced, trained, instructive appropriate. 2
Nature, easy way of talking 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 3
48 5 The Doctor No answer 9 33
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 3
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 3
Good on treatment of children 10
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 2
Good (General) 1
Interesting 1
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
Nice voice (only) 1
Nice manner, way of talking(only) 2
6 Mrs. Ingillson No answer 4 32
Practical, commonsense, useful. 11
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 6
Good (General) 2
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
Nice manner, way of talking(only) 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 5
Miscellaneous 1
7 Ambrose Heath No answer 4 21
Practical, commonsense, useful. 3
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 3
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good (General) 4
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
Nice voice (only) 1
Nature, easy way of talking 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 3
8 Gert & Daisy No answer 2 24
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1
Good 1
Cheery, amusing, funny, jokes and useful at the same time. 3
Cheery, light, comic, funny, jokes, humorous. 13
Interesting 1
Nice manner, way of talking(only) 1
Nature, easy way of talking 1
Miscellaneous 1
9 Jeanne de Casalis No answer 2 19
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 2
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1
Good (General) 2
Cheery, light, comic, funny, humorous, jokes 2
Interesting 1
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
Nice voice (only) 1
Nice manner, way of talking(only) 2
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 5
49 10 Elizabeth Craig No answer 2 17
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 2
Good (General) 6
Interesting 2
Nice manner, way of talking(only) 1
Nature, easy way of talking 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup” 2
11 North Country Woman No answer 2 11
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 2
Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1
Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 2
Good (General) 1
Knows his job, trained, experienced, instructive, appropriate. 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 2
12 Bruce Blunt No answer 3 9
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 2
Good (General) 2
Nice manner, way of talking(only) 1
Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 1
13 Mrs. Webb No answer 2 5
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible. 2
Good (General) 1
14a Nuna Davey Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1 3
Interesting 1
Nature, easy way of talking 1
14b Lady Doctor No answer 1 3
Good on treatment of children 2
14c Vic Oliver No answer 2 3
Cheery, light, comic, funny, humorous, jokes. 1
14d Mrs. Harriman No answer 3 3
18 Quentin Reynolds Nice voice (only) 1 2
Nature, easy way of talking 1
19a Mrs. Jones Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1 1
19b Lancs. Woman Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 1 1
19c Irish Woman Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup”. 1 1
19d Janet Chance Plain spoken, clear, distinct. 1 1
50 19e Russian Woman Nice Voice (only) 1 1
19f The Dutchman Liked because of a particular recipe or subject, e.g. carrots, meat roll, scones, “great on soup” 1 1
19g The Unemployed Man Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tells us what we want to know. 1 1
19h Films Star (female) Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 1 1
1 Housewives No answer 3
Practical, commonsense, useful, sensible 1
Good (General) 1 5
2 Clear speakers No answer 3 3
3 Those who give practical advice and instructive talks. Homely, economical, everyday, suits working-class people, not too fancy, tell us what we want to know. 1 1

Speakers Disliked.

Name No. Rating
Freddie Grisewood 57 1
Ambrose Heath, “London Chef”, “Man with drawling voice” 36 2
S.P.B. Mais 20 3
Gert and Daisy 13 4
Aggie, Mrs. Wilkes “Lady from Pub”, “The Cockney”, “London Woman.” 9 5
Mrs. Ingillson, Yorkshire Woman 9
Vic Oliver 9
The Doctor 6 8
Jeanne de Casalis 6
Mrs. Jean Scott 3 10
“North Country” Woman 3
Mrs. Jones, “Welsh Woman” 2 12
Elizabeth Craig 2
Janet Chance 2
The Monk 2
Lancashire Woman 1 16
English Woman 1
Miss Monkham, Domestic Science Teacher 1
Lady Doctor 1
Radio Food Advice Centre (Nuna Davey) 1
Russian Woman 1
Christopher Stone 1
Humorous speakers 11 1
Housewives (unspecified) 3 2
Those who give practical recipes and instructive talks (unspecified) 1 3
Not identified 56 1
Woman, Women, Lady, (Unspecified) 46 2
Man, Men, Gentleman. (Unspecified) 19 3
All “Dislike all of them” 12 4
Total answers 988

Reasons for Dislikes

Rating Name Reason No. Total
1 Grisewood No answers 5 57
Can’t understand him 1
Too fancy, elaborate, expensive 1
Tells you what you know already. 2
It’s a woman’s job 1
Not serious, purely comedian, more jokes than food. 7
Nonsense, ridiculous, silly. 12
Lack of practical experience. 14
Don’t like voice or manner 6
Miscellaneous 8
2 Ambrose Heath Too fancy, elaborate, expensive 14 36
Tells you what you know already 1
Dull, heavy 2
Nonsense, ridiculous, silly 1
Lack of practical experience 1
Don’t like voice or manner 7
Ingredients not obtainable 5
Miscellaneous 5
3 S.P.B. Mais No answers 1 20
Dull, heavy 1
Not serious, purely comedian, more jokes than food. 4
Nonsense, ridiculous, silly 2
Aggressive, overpowering 4
Lack of practical experience 2
Don’t like voice or manner 1
Talks too quickly 3
Miscellaneous 2
4 Gert & Daisy No answers 1 13
Not serious, purely comedian, more jokes than food. 4
Nonsense, ridiculous, silly 7
Aggressive, overpowering 1
5a Aggie (Mrs. Wilkes) Can’t understand her 1 9
Don’t like voice or manner 5
Ingredients not obtainable 1
Miscellaneous 2
5b Mrs. Ingillson Can’t understand her 1 9
Don’t like voice or manner 1
Aggressive, overpowering 1
Don’t like voice or manner 3
Miscellaneous 3
5c Vic Oliver Not serious, purely comedian, more jokes than food. 3 9
Nonsense, ridiculous, silly 4
Lack of practical experience 1
Miscellaneous 1
8a The Doctor No answer 1 6
Too fancy, elaborate, expensive 1
Dull, heavy 1
Don’t like voice or manner 2
Miscellaneous 1
53 8b Jeanne de Casalis No answers 1 6
Too fancy, elaborate, expensive 2
Not serious, purely comedian, more jokes than food. 1
Nonsense, ridiculous, silly. 1
Don’t like voice or manner 1
10a Mrs. Jean Scott No answers 1 3
Can’t understand her 1
Miscellaneous 1
10b “North Country” Woman No answers 1 3
Don’t like voice or manner 1
Talks too quickly 1
12a Mrs. Jones No answers 1 2
Can’t understand her 1
12b Elizabeth Craig Ingredients not obtainable 2 2
12c Janet Chance Don’t like dialect 1
Don’t like voice or manner 1 2
12d The Monk Miscellaneous 2 2
16a Lancs. Woman Don’t like voice or manner 1 1
16b English Woman Ingredients not obtainable 1 1
16c Miss Monkham Talks too quickly 1 1
16d Lady Davey Don’t like voice or manner 1 1
16f Russian Woman Miscellaneous 1 1
16g Christopher Stone Nonsense, ridiculous, silly 1 1
1 Humorous Speakers No answer 6 11
It’s a woman’s job 1
Not serious, purely comedian, more jokes than food. 3
Miscellaneous 1
2 Housewives (Unspecified) No answer 1 3
Dull, heavy 1
Lack of practical experience 1
3 Those who give practical recipes and instructive tlaks Ingredients not obtainable 1 1

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