A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



62 63 64 65 66


Housewives' Criticism of Recipes.

All the housewives interviewed were asked,“What criticisms have you of the Recipes given”; this question received 1,684 answers.

These answers were very varied and not all of them were strictly to the point.

The largest groups were; those who criticized the recipes as unpractical in one way or another, these were 407 housewives or 24.2%; those who thought the recipes were helpful, sensible etc., were 404 or 23.9% and those who would express no definite opinion, 640 or 38.0%.

These answers have been analysed by Class, Age, Without and With Children, Family Size, by Fuel and by Urban and Rural. These results are given below in tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and in order to display the variety of the answers, particularly in the “Unpractical” group, the numbers are given for the separate answers although the percentages are given for the groups.

Breakdown by Class.

The proportions of the answers in each group are very nearly the same, one difference is perhaps important; in the “Unpractical” group the proportion of housewives who found it difficult to obtain various ingredients or found them too expensive, were least in Class A, and highest in Class C. (Table 1).


“What criticisms have you of the recipes given?”

Breakdown by Class.

A % B % C % D % Total %
Unpractical - Takes too long 4 44 18.5 6 70 24.6 19 188 26.4 9 105 23.4 38 407 24.2
Unpractical -Ingredients too expensive 3 6 23 20 52
Unpractical -Too fancy 11 14 34 18 77
Unpractical -Can’t get ingredients (Unqualified general) 18 29 91 40 178
Unpractical -Can’t get sugar - 2 4 1 7
Unpractical -Can’t get eggs - 2 3 5 10
Unpractical Can’t get fats 3 - - - 3
Unpractical -Can’t get oatmeal 1 - - 1 2
Unpractical -Can’t get suet - - 1 - 1
Unpractical -Can’t get spices 1 - 1 1 3
Unpractical -(Unqualified) 3 11 12 10 36
More time should be allowed for writing down recipes. 6 2.5 3 1.1 15 2.1 7 1.6 31 1.8
Recipes are insipid, too much the same type always. 3 10 4.2 4 17 6.0
6 35 4.9 1 16 3.6 14 78 4.6
Recipes would not turn out well. - 1 9 3 13
Unfavourable, e.g. messy, all rubbish 7 12 12 51
Know it all already 6 8 3.4 5 6 2.1 9 19 2.7 4 12 2.7 24 45 2.7
Own ideas better 2 1 10 8 21
Inconvenient time 1 0.4 - 5 0.7 - 6 0.4
Favourable (“good”, “Helpful”, “Sensible”) 55 60 25.2 63 65 22.9 149 160 22.4 111 119 26.6 378 404 23.9
Favourable and all recipes that have been tried have turned out well. 5 2 11 8 26
None (include “can’t say”, “haven’t taken enough notice”) 98 41.2 109 38.4 260 36.4 173 38.6 640 38.0
Miscellaneous 11 4.6 14 4.9 32 4.5 16 3.6 73 4.3
Total 238 284 714 448 1,684

Breakdown by Age.

There appear to be no important differences between the criticism of the different age groups. (Table 2).


“What criticisms have you of the recipes given?”

Breakdown by Age.

Under 35 % 35 - 50 % Over 50 % Total
Unpractical - Takes too long 12 103 23.2 16 197 26.2 10 96 21.8 38 396
Unpractical -Ingredients too expensive 9 27 16 52
Unpractical - Too fancy 10 42 21 73
Unpractical Can’t get ingredients (Unqualified general) 61 83 31 175
Unpractical - Can’t get sugar - 3 2 5
Unpractical - Can’t get eggs 2 5 3 10
Unpractical - Can’t get fats 2 - 1 3
Unpractical - Can’t get oatmeal 1 1 - 2
Unpractical - Can’t get suet - 1 - 1
Unpractical - Can’t get spices - 1 2 3
Unpractical - (Unqualified) 6 18 10 34
More time should be allowed for writing down recipes. 8 1.8 12 1.6 10 2.2 30
Recipes are insipid, too much the same type always. 3 16 3.6 7 29 3.9 4 29 6.6 14 74
Recipes would not turn out well. 1 6 4 11
Unfavourable, e.g. “messy”, all rubbish 12 16 21 49
Know it all already 3 6 1.4 12 18 2.4 6 18 3.7 21 42
Own ideas better 3 6 12 21
Inconvenient time 1 0.5 4 0.6 1 0.2 6
Favourable (“good”, “Helpful”, “Sensible”) 114 122 27.7 151 167 22.3 104 105 23.8 369 394
Favourable and all recipes that have been tried have turned out well. 8 16 1 25
None (include “can’t say”, “haven’t taken enough notice”) 167 38.0 290 38.8 160 36.4 617
Miscellaneous 17 3.9 31 4.2 22 5.0 70
Total 440 748 441 1,629

Breakdown by Without and With Children .

As in the last analysis there are no important differences; in fact in the main group “Unpractical”, the proportions are almost identical, 24.0% without children, 24.1% with children. (Table 3).


“What criticisms have you of the recipes given?”

Breakdown by Without and With Children.

Without children % With children % Total
Unpractical - Takes too long 21 229 24.0 17 177 24.1 38 406
Unpractical - Ingredients too expensive 30 23 53
Unpractical Too fancy 45 32 77
Unpractical - Can’t get ingredients (Unqualified general) 93 83 176
Unpractical - Can’t get sugar 4 3 7
Unpractical - Can’t get eggs 5 5 10
Unpractical - Can’t get fats 3 - 3
Unpractical - Can’t get oatmeal - 2 2
Unpractical - Can’t get suet 1 - 1
Unpractical - Can’t get spices 2 1 3
Unpractical - (Unqualified) 25 11 36
More time should be allowed for writing down recipes. 18 1.9 13 1.8 31
Recipes are insipid, too much the same type always. 10 52 5.4 4 28 3.8 14 80
Recipes would not turn out well. 9 6 15
Unfavourable, e.g. “messy”, all rubbish 33 18 51
Know it all already 12 26 2.7 12 19 2.6 24 45
Own ideas better 14 7 21
Inconvenient time 4 0.5 2 0.3 6
Favourable (“good”, “Helpful”, “sensible”) 220 232 24.3 158 172 23.5 378 404
Favourable and all recipes that have been tried have turned out well. 12 14 26
None (include “can’t say”, “haven’t taken enough notice”) 352 36.8 291 39.8 643
Miscellaneous 43 4.3 30 4.1 73
Total 956 732 1,688

Breakdown by Family Size.

It is doubtful if the small differences in Table 4 are significant as the numbers in the samples are very small.


“What criticisms have you of the recipes given?”

Breakdown by Family Size.

Number of Mouths.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & over Total
Unpractical - - Takes too long 9 77 25.0 11 103 22.5 6 102 23.6 7 47 24.5 2 39 30.0 2 33 25.5 37 400
Unpractical - Ingredients too expensive 8 14 16 7 4 4 53
Unpractical - Too fancy 12 18 17 10 10 5 72
Unpractical - Can’t get ingredients (general, unqualified) 37 43 49 16 16 16 176
Unpractical - Can’t get sugar 1 4 1 1 - - 7
Unpractical - Can’t get eggs 5 - 1 2 1 - 9
Unpractical - Can’t get fats - 2 1 - - - 3
Unpractical - Can’t get oatmeal - - - - 1 1 2
Unpractical - Can’t get suet - 1 - - - - 1
Unpractical - Can’t get spices 1 - 2 - - - 3
Unpractical - (Unqualified) 4 10 9 4 5 4 36
More time should be allowed for writing down recipes. 7 2.3 12 2.6 6 1.4 1 0.5 1 0.8 1 0.8 28
Recipes are insipid, too much the same type always. 3 21 6.8 4 22 4.8 2 18 4.2 2 6 3.1 - 3 2.3 3 6 4.6 14 76
Recipes would not turn out well. 4 5 2 1 1 - 13
Unfavourable, “messy” ,“ All rubbish”. 14 13 14 3 2 3 49
Know it all already. 4 9 2.9 5 9 2.0 5 8 1.8 5 7 3.6 3 7 5.4 2 4 3.1 24 44
Own ideas better. 5 4 3 2 4 2 20
Inconvenient time. 1 0.3 2 0.4 - 1 0.5 - 1 0.8 5
Favourable (“good” , “Helpful”, “sensible” 1 1 20.0 73 75 24.5 106 116 25.3 78 87 20.2 49 51 26.5 33 33 25.5 32 35 27.0 372 398
Favourable and all recipes that have been tried have turned out well. - 2 10 9 2 - 3 26
None (include “can’t say”, “haven’t taken enough notice”) 4 80.0 105 34.0 176 38.4 188 43.7 72 37.5 40 30.5 45 34.5 630
Miscellaneous - 12 3.9 18 3.9 22 5.1 7 3.6 7 5.4 6 4.6 72
Total 5 307 458 431 192 130 130 1,653

Breakdown by Fuel.

In the main group “Unpractical”, housewives using electricity have a considerably greater proportion of criticisms, 32% compared with 19.7% in the case of housewives using Coal or Coke, 22.8% for housewives using more than one sort of fuel and 24.8% for those using gas. (It seems possible that these proportions bear some relation to the amount of skill required to cook successfully with each type of apparatus. (Table 5).


“What criticisms have you of the recipes given?”

Breakdown by Fuel.

Electricity % Gas % Oil % Slow Combustion % Coal or Coke % More than 1 sort of fuel % Total
Unpractical - Takes too long 7 58 32.0 19 178 24.8 - 3 2.50 - 2 22.2 1 41 19.7 10 125 22.8 37 407
Unpractical Ingredients too expensive 5 26 1 - 7 14 53
Unpractical Too fancy 10 35 - - 3 28 76
Unpractical Can’t get ingredients (general, unqualified) 27 76 1 1 22 52 179
Unpractical Can’t get sugar - 2 - - - 5 7
Unpractical Can’t get eggs 1 3 1 1 1 4 11
Unpractical Can’t get fats 1 2 - - - - 3
Unpractical Can’t get oatmeal 1 - - - - 1 2
Unpractical Can’t get suet - 1 - - - - 1
Unpractical Can’t get spices - 1 - - - 2 3
Unpractical (Unqualified) 6 13 - - - 7
More time should be allowed for writing down recipes 1 0.5 16 2.2 - - 0.5 1 0.5 13 2.3 31
Recipes are insipid, too much the same type always. 3 13 7.0 4 27 3.7 - - 3 10 4.8 4 27 4.9 14 77
Recipes would not turn out well. 1 2 - - 2 7 12
Unfavourable, “messy” “All rubbish” 9 21 - - 5 16 51
Know it all already. 4 6 3.3 10 16 2.2 - 1 8.3 1 1 11.1 3 5 2.4 6 16 2.9 24 45
Own ideas better. 2 6 1 - 2 10 21
Inconvenient time. 1 0.5 4 0.5 - - - 1 0.2 6
Favourable “good”, “helpful”, “sensible” 27 29 15.8 172 183 25.5 3 3 25.0 3 3 33.3 43 49 23.6 129 136 24.6 377 403
Favourable and all recipes that have been tried have turned out well. 2 11 - - 6 7 26
None (include “can’t say”, “haven’t taken enough notice”) 62 34.1 267 37.3 4 3.4 3 33.3 93 44.7 211 38.0 640
Miscellaneous 13 7.0 26 4.0 1 8.3 - 9 4.3 24 4.3 73
Total 183 717 12 9 208 553 1,682

Breakdown by Urban and Rural.

There is only a small difference in the “Unpractical” group of criticisms, the Urban proportion being 26.0% as compared with the Rural 22.2% (Table 6).


“What criticisms have you of the recipes given?”

Breakdown by Rural and Urban.

Urban % Rural % Total
Unpractical - - Takes too long 31 361 26.0 8 57 2.2 39 418
Unpractical - Ingredients too expensive 47 6 53
Unpractical - Too fancy 72 5 77
Unpractical - Can’t get ingredients (unqualified general) 159 30 189
Unpractical - Can’t get sugar 5 1 6
Unpractical - Can’t get eggs 5 - 9
Unpractical - Can’t get fats 2 1 3
Unpractical - Can’t get oatmeal 1 1 2
Unpractical - Can’t get suet 1 - 1
Unpractical - Can’t get spices 2 1 3
Unpractical - (Unqualified) 32 4 36
More time should be allowed for writing down recipes 29 2.0 2 0.7 31
Recipes are insipid, too much the same type always 11 66 4.5 3 13 5.2 14 79
Recipes would not turn out well. 12 2 14
Unfavourable, e.g. “messy, “all rubbish. 43 8 51
Know it all already. 21 36 2.5 3 9 63.4 24 45
Own ideas better. 15 6 21
Inconvenient time. 6 0.4 - 6
Favourable (“good”, “Helpful”, “sensible”) 319 341 23.8 57 61 23.6 376 402
Favourable and all recipes that have been tried have turned out well. 22 4 26
None (include “can’t say”, “haven’t taken enough notice”) 530 37.0 107 41.5 637
Miscellaneous 64 4.4 9 3.4 73
Total 1,433 258 1,691

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