A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Cakes were divided into three groups (1) smalls, including jam tarts, buns, scones, doughnuts, tea cakes, small cakes, plain or fancy, of any description except sponge cakes, pastries, Scottish tea bread. (2) sponges, including Swiss rolls and sponge sandwiches. (3) slab or large cakes including single cakes weighing 8 ozs. or more, slab cake bought by weight.

During the week before the interviews the three sorts were bought by the following proportions of housewives:

Table 11
Kind bought: % of those who bought cakes during the last seven days % of total sample
Small 66 41
Sponge 23 14
Large 63 39
Sample: 1462 2372

Small and large cakes are both bought by two-thirds of the housewives and sponge by nearly a quarter.

Table 12
Frequency of buying: Small % Sponge % Slab %
Once a week 41 21 51
Twice a week 11 2 8
More than twice a week 12 - 2
N.A. 2 - 1
Did not buy particular kind 34 77 37
Sample: those who bought during last seven days 1462

Smalls are bought most frequently, slab cakes next and sponge cakes are purchased practically only once a week.

Average expenditure

On an average the housewife who buys the particular cakes spends per head per week:-

4½d. on small cakes

3½d. on sponge cakes

5½d. on slab cakes

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