A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Housewives were asked whether they bought and/or baked cakes, buns etc.

Table 1
No. who buy and/or bake %
Bakes and buys 59
Bakes, but does not buy 15
Buys, but does not bake 21
Neither buys nor bakes 5
Sample: 2372

The same figures expressed as the percentage of the total sample who buy and who bake, give the following two tables.

Table 2
Do you ever bake cakes, pastries etc? Do you ever buy cakes?
% %
Yes 74 Yes 80
No 26 No 20
Sample: 2372 Sample: 2372

Only 5% of the housewives in the sample never buy or bake cakes.

One-fourth never bakes

One-fifth never buys.


Why cakes are not bought or baked

Table 3
Reasons for not baking: % of those who do not bake (26% of total sample) % of total sample
Can’t get ingredients 71 18
Have not enough time to bake 10 3
Have no facilities to bake 8 2
We don’t eat cakes 5 1
Can buy what I need 2 1
Miscellaneous 7 1
No answer 4 1
Those who bake - 74
Sample: 479 2372
Table 4
Reasons for not buying: % of those who do not buy (20% of total sample). % of total sample
Do not like wartime quality of cakes 31 6
Never liked bought cakes, or cakes at all 16 3
Can’t afford cakes 11 2
Can’t queue, or don’t like queueing 8 2
Miscellaneous 8 2
No answer 6 1
Those who buy - 80
Sample: 463 2372

The main reason for not baking cakes is lack of ingredients; more than two-thirds of the housewives who do not bake, and nearly one-sixth of the whole sample give this reason.

Half of those who do not buy, or a tenth of the sample, do not do so because they dislike the quality of wartime cakes, or of bought cakes generally.

Frequency of baking and buying

Table 5
Frequency of baking: % of those who bake % of sample
Twice a week or more 10 8
Once a week 51 38
Once a fortnight 16 12
Less than once a fortnight 21 15
Not answered 2 2
Do not bake - 26
Sample: 1762 2372

Nearly half the housewives in the sample bake at least once a week.

Table 6
Frequency of buying (Cakes bought the week before the interview)
% of those who buy % of sample
Three times a week or more 16 13
Twice a week 17 13
Once a week 41 33
Not last week 23 19
Last week, but how often not known 3 2
Do not buy - 20
Sample: 1909 2372

77% of those who buy cakes at all and 62% of the whole sample, buy cakes at least once a week. A quarter of the sample, or a third of those who buy cakes at all, bought twice or more during the week before the interview.

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