A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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(Q.8) “What is a year’s Clothing Requirement for your job?”

TYPE GARMENT No. of workers requiring Total No. of garments Average No. of garments (T - 488) Coupons per garment Total coupons
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1. Boiler Suits 178 565 1.16 4 4.64
2. Overalls & Smocks 236 757 1.55 3 4.65
3. Overall Jackets 43 105 .21 2 .42
4. Overall Trousers 4 9 .02 2 .04
5. Aprons 29 106 .21 2 .42
6. Waterproof Trousers 1 1 - - -
7. Leggings & W. Leggings 2 2 - - -
8. Sheepskin aprons 2 2 - - -
9. Other 1 1 - - -
Total 10.17
OUTER CLOTHING 1. Suits (complete) 175 309 .63 26 16.38
2. Overcoats 221 258 .52 16 8.32
3. Mackintoshes 49 59 .12 16 1.92
4. Trousers 293 740 1.51 8 12.08
5. Waistcoats 56 96 .20 5 1.00
6. Jackets Coats 279 676 1.40 13 18.20
7. Pullovers, Sweaters & Cardigans 138 227 .46 6.5 2.99
8. Other 3 3 .01 - -
Total 60.89
UNDERWEAR 1. Shirts 336 1229 2.55 8 20.40
2. Sets of Underwear 314 808 1.66 7 11.62
3. Vests 52 149 .30 3.5 1.05
4. Pants & Flannel Drawers 32 95 .19 3.5 .67
5. Other - - - - -
Total 33.74
FOOT WEAR 1. Socks 273 2055 4.38 3 13.14
2. Boots 347 965 1.98 7 13.86
3. Shoes 146 417 .85 7 5.95
4. Clogs 10 14 .03 - -
5. Wellington 38 40 .08 - -
6. Industrial Rubber Boots 2 2 - - -
7. Other 1 1 - - -
Total 32.95
Total coupon requirements 137.75

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