A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



Analysis by Region

Number of Interviews

Scotland (S.W.) North of England Midlands & S. Wales South, S.W. & E. Anglia London Total
1933 A 303 744 649 755 416 2867
M 291 848 632 779 365 2915
J 221 776 662 564 318 2541
J 231 726 572 551 437 2517
A 190 832 598 611 364 2595
S 293 839 633 774 345 2844
O 284 835 648 768 381 2916
N 292 651 603 680 422 2648
1944 J 292 740 660 715 444 2851
M 281 680 574 626 403 2564
M 292 803 617 769 438 2919
J 190 778 456 685 331 2440
S 292 828 562 755 441 2878
N 300 778 611 762 438 2889
1945 J 296 611 609 776 430 2722

Percentage in Each Region

Scotland (S.W.) North of England Midlands & S. Wales South, S.W. & E. Anglia London
1943 A % 11 26 23 26 14
M % 10 29 22 27 13
J % 9 30 26 22 13
J % 9 29 23 22 17
A % 7 32 23 24 14
S % 10 29 22 27 12
O % 10 29 22 26 13
N % 11 25 23 26 16
1944 J % 10 26 23 25 16
M % 11 27 22 24 16
M % 10 28 21 26 15
J % 8 32 19 28 14
S % 10 29 20 26 15
N % 10 27 23 26 15
1945 J % 11 22 22 28 16

The samples vary somewhat in size because not all of them could be completed owing to sickness among interviewers and other reasons. Generally fieldwork had to be finished on a given date so that the results would be available in time. The proportions in different regions do not vary sufficiently to make any material difference to the results.


Analysis by Economic Group

Number of Interviews

Chief Wage-Earner (or pension etc. )

Up to£2.10s. Over £2.10s. to £3.12s. Over £3.12s. to £5 over£5 to £10 Over £10 Unclassified Total
1943 A 446 582 1058 583 158 40 2867
M 2085 767 63 2915
J 1808 640 93 2541
J 1803 657 57 2517
A 333 611 1009 492 133 17 2595
S 376 677 1078 589 140 24 2884
O 303 746 1112 572 154 29 2916
N 309 641 1012 511 130 45 2648
1944 J 354 642 1093 600 149 13 2394
M 305 575 995 515 147 27 2564
M 332 646 1110 593 150 88 2919
J 326 525 972 488 126 3 2440
S 368 647 1071 624 163 5 2878
N 403 597 1071 624 176 18 2889
1945 J 339 643 1006 541 168 25 2722

Percentage in Each Group

(Excluding those unclassified)

Wage-rate of Chief Wage-Earner (or pension etc.)

Up to£2.10s. Over £2.10s. to £3.12s. Over £3.12s. to £5 over£5 to £10 Over £10
1943 A % 16 21 37 21 6
M % 73 27
J % 74 26
J % 73 27
A % 13 24 39 19 5
S % 13 24 38 21 5
O % 10 26 38 20 5
N % 25 39 20 5
1944 J % 13 23 38 21 5
M % 12 23 39 20 6
M % 12 23 39 21 5
J % 13 22 40 20 5
S % 13 22 37 22 6
N % 14 21 37 22 6
1945 J % 13 24 37 20 6

Investigators were given quotas for four economic groups the two lowest groups counting as one. Informants in these two groups were however classified separately and it will be seen that the proportions given by different samples are very similar.

The second, third and fourth samples were analysed in two groups only. Quotas were given for four groups as with the other samples.


Analysis by Age of_Housewife

Number of Interviews

Age: Under 35 35-50 Over 50 Unclassified Total
1943 A 581 1166 1104 16 2867
A 569 1033 974 19 2595
S 679 1137 1052 16 2884
O 601 1241 1065 9 2916
N 609 1058 962 19 2648
1944 J 623 1112 1108 8 2851
M 539 1075 910 40 2564
M 557 1268 1034 60 2919
J 533 998 890 19 2440
S 593 1204 1066 15 2878
N 624 1153 1103 9 2889
1945 J 551 1121 1026 24 2722

Percentage in Each Group

(Excluding those unclassified)

Under 35 35-50 Over 50
1943 A % 20 41 39
A % 22 40 38
S % 24 4 36
O % 21 43 37
N % 23 40 37
1944 J % 22 39 39
M % 21 43 36
M % 20 44 36
J % 22 41 37
S % 21 42 37
N % 22 40 38
1945 J % 20 42 38

Investigators were given quotas in three age groups, as above, and told to keep as near to these quotas as possible.

Analysis by age of housewife of the samples for May, June and July of 1943 are not available but investigators were given quotas for these samples as for the others.


Analysis by whether or not the Housewife went out to work

Number of Interviews

Housewife working Housewife Not working Unclassified TOTAL
1943 A 246 2083 266 2595
S 412 2371 101 2884
O 420 2394 102 2916
N 403 2156 89 2648
1944 J 341 2394 116 2851
M 390 2089 85 2564
M 487 2356 76 2919
J 397 1924 119 2440
S 431 2311 136 2878
N 467 2323 99 2889
1945 J 381 2252 89 2722

Percentage Working and Not Working

(Excluding those unclassified)

Housewife working Housewife Not working Unclassified as % Total
1943 A % 11 89 (10)
S % 15 85 (4)
O % 15 85 (3)
N % 16 84 (3)
1944 J % 12 88 (4)
M % 16 84 (3)
M % 14 86 (3)
J % 17 83 (5)
S % 16 84 (5)
N % 17 83 (3)
1945 J % 14 86 (3)

Investigators were not given quotas for working housewives, but took them as they came.

The proportion of the housewives contacted who went out to work does not vary much from one inquiry to another.

As housewives were interviewed at their homes during the day, it is likely that a proportion of working housewives were missed. It is estimated that about 30% of all housewives were working in 1943.

As a relatively high proportion of forms were unclassified in respect of whether or not the housewife was working, the percentage unclassified is given in brackets in the third column above.

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